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Zip it Vic...I'm tryin' to talk to you here....

I have been hearing God speak to me in stereo lately. I borrow that phrase from a friend, because it fits my situation perfectly. Now before you start worrying that I am losing my cookies, let me explain.

I had a week this summer where I was feeling good, energetic, taking on the world. I was excited to be teaching crafts in Vacation Bible school, I was excited at some things going really well in my life, and I was singing God's praises at the top of my lungs. Within that week, I got a severe burn, like six inches long on my upper arm, (I didn't go to the Dr. of course, because it didn't really hurt, ha ha, like that is a good thing, lesson learned), I then almost landed myself in the hospital with an infection from said burn, and then....I got bit (really hard) by a nasty little pooch at a jewelry show I was doing. The dog bite turned me black, blue, purple, & green about the size of a toddler size basketball. Nasty stuff. These events made me feel like someone else-- not God, was trying to get my attention away from all that was good in my life. Call me nuts if you want, but I do not think all of that was coincidence.

Recently..... I have been put in several every day situations, volunteer/service roles where I am being challenged to exercise humility. I, who am a take the lead, speak first, control the situation gal, have been matched up with people as controlling as I am. I have been partnered with type A, take charge ladies. Now I could assert myself, and take the lead, but nope.. I am sensing a lesson is being taught here. I am being challenged to sit back and let someone else lead. I am being challenged to get out of the spotlight and play the supporting role. I am being challenged to zip it, sshhh, stop talking. God is speaking to me in stereo. Have you ever had that experience?

I also felt a prompting today to share a little about my faith with someone. I don't really do that generally. I am not especially bold that way. It felt ok. I don't think I went too far, I just told my friend what I believe, and gave her a few supporting examples of how it plays out in my life. It is more than I would normally say, that is for sure.

I have often heard that if you want to hear God's voice, you have to be quiet and listen. Do you think maybe he is trying to tell me to zip it?


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