5/23/16 As a long time lover of red lipstick, I am as surprised as anyone at my new found passion for nude lipstick. Not just any nude lipstick--- it has to be perfect. That sounds silly right? The perfect nude lipstick, is the right color for you-- but just as important, it has a rich texture that maintains a perfect uniform appearance. Months ago I bought the PERFECT nude from Younique cosmetics.
It was love at first try! But to my great disappointment, it broke-- like the 2nd time I used it. I later realized that the company includes a warning to let it sit at room temperature overnight before using it the first time.
Upset by the break--- I went on a quest to find another perfect nude. I tried brand after brand. Each one was close or even identical in shade-- but they did not do the job. I now have a whole mess of nude lipsticks that I cannot wear. Eventually I re-ordered the Younique one. I am happy again. If it isn't perfect, why bother?? #perfectnude #lipstickmatters #questforperfectnude
5/15 Ladies! How have I lived my entire life without Mineral Veil by Bare Minerals??? I am a firm believer in a multi-pronged approach to beautiful skin-- good skin care, diet and supplements, and good make-up. As we age make-up that once looked great no longer works for us. It settles into fine lines, accentuating the things we are trying to cover. It was for that reason that I had given up mineral foundations. I thought my days of light easy coverage were over. Au contrair my friends!! I have discovered that Bare Minerals a Complexion Rescue-- a light BB Cream like coverage, and Mineral Veil deliver amazing, luminous skin! For a woman close to 50-- I cannot express how fantastic that makes a girl feel!! Try it out! #gorgeousafter40 #greatskin #foundationtips
5/15 I have long been a fan of long lasting perma-type lip colors. If you are a girl that likes a bold lip, but also likes to smooch all over your babies and hubby-- this is a must have. Many brands have tried and failed to create this product well. It is a tough order. It must last of course, have brilliant color, wear comfortably-- and be priced so that we can buy as many colors as our hearts desire. My standby for years has been Revlon Colorstay. My signature color is Everlasting Rum. Love it! I also like the reds by Revlon. I have tried other brands, but never took to any of them. I have found another one I love, so I want to share it with you. It is by Loreal, costs around $12, less with a coupon or buy one get one half off special. The colors are fabulous! The wear is exceptional. It is a must have for spring! #longlastinglips #bestlipcolor #makeupmusthave Enjoy!!
2/19/14 Update, while I am loving the way coconut oil feels on my skin and I am totally digging the scensory delight of essencial oils-- I doubt I will ever wear purfume again. I am still using my home crafted aluminum free deoderant, and my remineralizing home made toothpaste-- love them both. I am really unhappy still with the whole aging skin thing. The sun damage etc... How do we fight that without the help of pharmaceuticals? Don't get me wrong, I am still looking for answers. But for this mamma, whose vanity, sadly trumps her common sense at times, comprimise MUST be found. I have stayed away from the botox bar, but these brown spots are making me feel way older than my 46 years. I MUST make them disappear. Fine lines too, I CAN NOT HAVE IT!! I will keep you posted. I am nothing if not relentless.
2/10/14 Hello friends, and lovers of beauty products. I have recently had my eyes opened to the danger of chemicals in our beauty products. It is really scary to realize that the products we use every day have dangerous ingredients that are building up in our bodies. Many people are focused on eating clean, and organic, watching their diet, and exercising already--- Bravo. (Can't say I have conquered all of those yet!) I started reading labels, and was horrified. It is one of those, ONCE YOU SEE IT, YOU CAN'T UN-SEE IT, types of experiences for me. I am going to put a list here, for your educational pleasure. Start reading those labels.
In an effort to eliminate some of this junk from my everyday beauty routine, I started with the basics first. What do I slather on my face every day, I am a bit of a product junkie, so the list was long. I started reading, and pitching things out. My moisturizers, and BB cream had to go, YUCK!! My deodorant was off the hook dangerous, the Vick's I have been putting under my nose every night to go to sleep since I was 10-- yuck! --- And I wasn't really liking what I saw on the toothpaste label either. So I started with those. I searched for moisturizer and a base make up that weren't toxic, using the guide above. I had some good luck at Trader Joe's and I ordered my base makeup from Lavera. I am loving Green People moisturizer. Please don't consider any of these comments as an endorsement, because I am still exploring, and I plan on shopping around. I also decided the best way to have safe deodorant without spending $12 for it (the cheapskate in me just won't tolerate that price), was to make it my self. I found a simple and effective recipe. I love it. I save all of my recipes to my Pinterest board, Natural Beauty. Feel free to use them, I borrowed them from other blogs. I also made an awesome remineralizing toothpaste. Love it! I made a homemade vapor rub, that smells so delightful, I am tempted to put it on my whole face at night. I realize for most women, the idea of making your own products sounds a little cooky. I get it. That is just how I roll. There are good products out there. If making your own isn't in your reality, I would recommend you check out companies like Ava Anderson Non-Toxic (I have a local friend who reps this company, I am happy to share her info), Young Living essential oils also has great stuff. I am sure there are others, but you might be surprised to find that some companies who promote themselves as green, are not so green. I won't mention names, but if you follow Ava Anderson on Facebook, she is calling em' all out! You go Ava!! Good luck in your journey!
10/30/13 After months of faithful Jamberry use, and YES I still love them. My body chemistry has decided that even they will not last more than a week on my nails. It is frustrating, because I am a gal who likes to be put together, and undone nails is one of those pet peeves that I cannot abide. Nail polish just hasn't worked for me in the past, I have tried many, many, brands, boasting all kinds of staying power, and NO LUCK. It is chipping same day, peeling by day two, and by day three I look like a punk school girl going for the grunge look. GOOD NEWS! I have found a comprimise! Jamberry constantly works at making product improvements and design enhancements, and I have found two products that work great for me. They go on smooth, dry super fast, and most important, they last. I get a good 4-5 days of good wear out of this lacquer, and that is a victory for me. Drumroll please......
Jamberry Professional Nail Lacquer are 5 Free- Lacquers provide a rich and extensive palette of the widest range of colors and effects without the use of Toluene, Formaldehyde, Dibutylphthalate (DBP), Camphor or Formaldehyde Resin. Made in the USA, gluten free, cruelty free, and Vegan friendly.
The second product I am loving is Jamberry wraps with a Matte finish. They go on like butter, really easy application, and stay on better than any of the other finishes,-- for me, with my body chemistry. Everyone is different. Love them. They have an edgy look, and great designs!
6/16/13 My fave mani's
5/23/13 I am all in! I love this product. Whether you like a classic solid or french manicure, whether you like a little funk in your look, edgy or cute, adorable or HOT! Jamberry Nails has you covered. This manicure will last up to two weeks on your fingers -- I literally get bored before they show wear. They last up to 4 weeks on your toes. You can do it your self, easy peasy! Check out these pics!!
If you want to try them email me your address and I will get samples out in the mail today! Test drive them for a couple of weeks, use the sample as an accent nail and polish the rest--- put it to the test! Check out all of the amazing options on my website!
I found a product that I love!! Check it out, so fun, so fabulous, long lasting, and easy to do yourself!!
4/24 I am officially in the category of the self criticizing skin obsessed 40 something woman. I never thought I would be this way. I thought I would be able to overlook the imperfections that come with age the same way I have always been kind to myself about my weight. I rarely feel like I look like a hot mess, until lately. Age, plus an extra 25 lbs, plus aging, is putting me into a funk.
I can see lines everywhere. What a bummer! I want my blinders back, I was happier that way! I know that if I lost weight I would feel better. I know that no one else but me is obsessing over the circles under my eyes, or that wrinkle between my eyes. Why are women so hard on themselves? If you figure it out, let me know. And if you discover some magic potion that actually works, text me, fast. :)
4/13 Ok, so as I get older I am more skin obsessed than ever. The changes come, like it or not, and though new products come out daily promising to hold back the hands of time, the changes seem to come anyway. I am 44 I think, I always say 45, but let's not rush it. I have been blessed with good skin, but as I age, the plagues of lost elasticity, larger pores, brown spots, and older looking eyes are hitting me, hard. I do not like it one bit. I use about a thousand products a day-- ok, maybe not a thousand, but a lot. I don't think any of them do anything!!! I wish I could endorse a product or two here, and say wow! How fabulous! I look 30 again! But alas, I cannot.
Instead I am looking to the older women I know. There are many older women, and by older I am speaking of those in their 60's and up, that are aging really beautifully. I am finding that, for just about everyone, holding back the wrinkles isn't going to happen, but it is what you do with what you have that matters. You can emphasize your lovely features. You can make sure you are always put together. You can wear the most beautiful accessory of all, a big bright smile. That really makes a difference. I am going to see if I can get permission to use pics of some of my older friends, to show you what beauty looks like when it comes from inside. If we aren't beautiful inside, no amount of cream, or make-up will fix it.
Ladies I wish I could recommend some magic cure to aging, I would be uber rich if I could. All I can offer you is this, a beautiful heart, wearing love on your sleeve, caring about others, that is soooooo gorgeous. You can be fabulous always wearing the easiest accessory of all, a smile. Oh, and don't forget your lipstick, that is important too, :)
I try to share the ways in which our spiritual beauty will make us glow, but it doesn't hurt to be on top of beauty tips that work. People always ask me what product do you like best for this? or I love that purse, where did you get it? So..... I decided I will start to share little things that you might find helpful on this page. I'll keep adding to it....
I haven't updated this page for a while, but I have scored a ton of thrift store treasures in the last few months. I need to start taking pics, and get'em up here. I get such a thrill when I discover something awesome!
I also have a new addition to my skin care regime. I can't believe it never occurred to me before!!! I put sunscreen on my hands every morning when I sunscreen my face & neck. I also have been paying close attention to the texture of the skin on my hands-- nothing says drink more water like shriveled looking hands, yuck!!
6/17 Pics of a few thrift store treasures...
Plum suede handback, bought new, with tags, $7 at a Goodwill store!
Steve Madden sandals, new condition, $9
6/5 Edgy classics are coming your way! I am so excited about a fashion trend coming our way this summer! If you look in the magazines you'll see accessories putting a fun new twist on feminine classics. Think tattoos & pearls. Spikes and flowers. I love it! Lucky magazine this month has some awesome jewels to check out. My very own favorite Stella & Dot, is on trend as usual, with the gorgeous Renagade collection. Check it out....
5/10 High Heels are really not the right pick for a fieldtrip to the farm. Ok, first let's acknowledge that this whole page is my educated opinions, but opinions are a dime a dozen. So take this for what it is worth. I am of the opinion that wearing high heels to a kids fieldtrip is pretentious and silly. Really, full on "going to the club" makeup and wardrobe just feels silly and out of place on a farm. If you are going to participate in an event at school please do a little self editing. Make sure you are covered up,(no one wants to see your underwear), that your shoes are appropriate for the event (playing basketball in heels, really???), that your clothing isn't more important to you than getting a little dirty with paint and play dough. Just sayin.....
5/8 Don't be afraid of change! - Women spend years and years trying to figure out "who" they are style-wise. Some women nail down their "signature" style, and stick to it for the next 20+ years. Some give up all together, and opt for easy and comfortable. What is so scary about trying a new hair color, or changing lipstick colors? Do I have to have on red nail polish to be me?? What I have learned over the years is that a persons outward style, is often a clue as to how comfortable a girl is in her own skin. If you think, oh I can't wear that, or red lipstick is too bold for me, or what would people think if I dyed my hair dark, you are still struggling with that "Who do I want to present to the world" fashion struggle. I want to challenge your thoughts on that one, because I believe a woman is many things.
Some days I feel like a Rocker.
Some days, I feel like a pretty in pearls, demure look.
Some days I am feeling kind of BoHo chic.
Some days, I am feeling like yoga pants, a tank top, and flip flops are about all I can muster.
I am who I feel like being. My outward style is more an indicator of my mood than my character. I can say with confidence, that if you are a woman, you have a mood or two. I am the same person, whether I am rockin' leather, and edgy make up, or whether I am going for a sporty tom-boy look. I am still the same woman, and I like who I am. How about you?
4/21 Accessories- It is well established that I am a huge fan of accessories, but I want to encourage you to be bold with them. Layer bracelets, wear long necklaces with shorter necklaces, wrap a gorgeous lariat necklace around a wrist. The best accessory is a versatile accessory.
4/19 New Lipstick Discovery! While I still love my Everlasting Rum listed below, I do have one complaint with it. It doesn't last very long. The tube just doesn't have that much color in it, and I find myself repurchasing it like every 2 months, and considering you only need to apply it once a day, that is a bummer. So I skeptically tried another Revlon Colorstay product, and...... I love it! It gives you the same not gooey, no lip prints on your drink or on the people you smooch stay-putness. It does need to be re-applied occasionally, but it stay on your lips, love that. The best part is, there is alot more color in the tube, so it is a better value! My fav color doesn't come in this formula, but there are many to choose from.
Smile: There is nothing more attractive than a great big smile! Everyone has one, use it! Whitening your teeth can take years off of your age. The zoom option (at your dentist), is quick, and not too expensive anymore. Our favorite family dentists Dr. Queen, and Dr. Queen, tell us with confidence that the whitestrips available at the drug store are equally effective, they just take a little longer.
Skin Care: I am telling you friend, if you are still using bar soap on your face, and not exfoliating a few times a week, you are asking for dull, dry, lifeless looking skin. You don't have to use expensive products, but you MUST wash, exfoliate, tone & hydrate--- and for goodness sake, use sunscreen, EVERY day. I know it is a pain, but I would think injections would be more painful, yes? For the dark spots there are a variety of products that will lighten them up, my favorite is by BioElements, but I know that there are quite a few drug store brands that work well, I'll do a little digging on that one and update you later. It might be time to start experimenting with foundation types, weights, brands. What worked 5 years ago, might not be the best for you now. I am finding that lightweight is better. I especially am liking Loreal's magic souffle. It goes on really light and smooth, with amazing coverage, no powder finish required. I have also been known to mix mineral powder with moisturizer for a super light coverage.
Nails: This is huge. Like many women, I have done the acrylic nails, I have done natural nails, I have even tried the new Shellac products that claim a 10 day manicure without the discomfort (but equal the cost) of maintaining fake nails. I prefer short nails, but I like to have them look nice. In the past, no matter what I used, my nail polish would peel off in days. I didn't even have success with the Shellac product. I found......
Rimmel London, Lasting finish Pro, it comes in 32 colors, and it lasts. It costs like $4.99 a bottle, and you can get it at CVS, and I think WallMart. I have never found it at Target, and Rite Aide is spotty, some have it some don't.
Lips: I always get asked about my lipstick. Part of the reason I think, is that no one, not even my husband, catches me without my lipstick on. You will more likely find me at Trader Joe's in a bikini, than outdoors with no lipstick. Won't happen. So naturally, I had to find a product that stays put, and looks and feels good. I have tried many of the 8hr lipsticks, all of the two-step products (color + gloss), I have tried both drug store variety as well as more expensive brands. The absolute best product I have found, that stays put, doesn't flake, and doesn't dry out my lips is......
Revlon Colorstay Overtime lipstick. It comes in 16 colors. My absolute favorites are EVERLASTING RUM, and STAY CURRANT.
Fashion: I know I am 40+, so my advice in this area isn't necessarily going to appeal to the tween set, so I am targeting my peers here. I have always been a big fan of the "accessory", that is one of the reasons I have always been so drawn to Jewelry, handbags, and shoes. I have never done the scarf thing well, but I certainly admire those who pull that off. Accessories are awesome because they amp up your look whether you are at your thinnest, or NOT. Shoes always fit, even if last seasons jeans don't. I also recommend beefing up your accessory wardrobe if you are not someone who spends alot of money on clothing. I am a mother of four, living in LA, on one income. Our kids and associated expenses speed through our budget before I can even consider buying myself new clothes. I am wearing the same stuff season after season. I buy a few key pieces to freshen it up a little, but my clothing budget is VERY low. I like to have my look feel hip and on trend without feeling like I need to add a bunch of trendy stuff to my wardrobe. I do this with jewelry, handbags, sunglasses, and shoes (I don't buy them too often either). I have tips to offer on where to get quality, on trend, wardrobe additions, and I will give up all my secrets.....a little at a time friend. So for now, think accessories. As we venture into spring, I want you to be on the lookout for a new pair of sunglasses that will make you feel fabulous. (If you are a sunglasses loser/breaker, go for cheap but fabulous looking ones-- If you are going for a more expensive pair that will last a few years, try to keep your look more classic-black is always a good pick in my book)
Finding Great items Cheap: This suggestion might shake my Nordstrom shopping friends to the bone. Thrift stores have amazing, high quality finds. I am not even talking about your fancy boutique style thrift stores. I am talking about your local Goodwill and Salvation Army stores.
Much like shopping at a Ross, or TJ Max, shopping Thrift stores takes patience, and you have to have a good eye. You need to figure out which days are the best days to hit a certain store. I assure you that once you get the hang of it, the rewards are awesome. I get a thrill out of the hunt. What is more exciting than getting a $200 pair of shoes for $9.99, really??? Stick to basic, high quality items, skip through the riff raff at lightening speed. Don't get distracted by the housewares, though I do occasionally spend a few minutes digging though books. I will start posting my pics of my treasures. Just last week I landed a pair of sweet Steve Madden cork healed, platform sandals, and a pair of black leather Cole Haan mules, and a Gorgeous plum suede handbag (new with tags, for $7)
It was love at first try! But to my great disappointment, it broke-- like the 2nd time I used it. I later realized that the company includes a warning to let it sit at room temperature overnight before using it the first time.
Upset by the break--- I went on a quest to find another perfect nude. I tried brand after brand. Each one was close or even identical in shade-- but they did not do the job. I now have a whole mess of nude lipsticks that I cannot wear. Eventually I re-ordered the Younique one. I am happy again. If it isn't perfect, why bother?? #perfectnude #lipstickmatters #questforperfectnude
5/15 Ladies! How have I lived my entire life without Mineral Veil by Bare Minerals??? I am a firm believer in a multi-pronged approach to beautiful skin-- good skin care, diet and supplements, and good make-up. As we age make-up that once looked great no longer works for us. It settles into fine lines, accentuating the things we are trying to cover. It was for that reason that I had given up mineral foundations. I thought my days of light easy coverage were over. Au contrair my friends!! I have discovered that Bare Minerals a Complexion Rescue-- a light BB Cream like coverage, and Mineral Veil deliver amazing, luminous skin! For a woman close to 50-- I cannot express how fantastic that makes a girl feel!! Try it out! #gorgeousafter40 #greatskin #foundationtips
5/15 I have long been a fan of long lasting perma-type lip colors. If you are a girl that likes a bold lip, but also likes to smooch all over your babies and hubby-- this is a must have. Many brands have tried and failed to create this product well. It is a tough order. It must last of course, have brilliant color, wear comfortably-- and be priced so that we can buy as many colors as our hearts desire. My standby for years has been Revlon Colorstay. My signature color is Everlasting Rum. Love it! I also like the reds by Revlon. I have tried other brands, but never took to any of them. I have found another one I love, so I want to share it with you. It is by Loreal, costs around $12, less with a coupon or buy one get one half off special. The colors are fabulous! The wear is exceptional. It is a must have for spring! #longlastinglips #bestlipcolor #makeupmusthave Enjoy!!
2/19/14 Update, while I am loving the way coconut oil feels on my skin and I am totally digging the scensory delight of essencial oils-- I doubt I will ever wear purfume again. I am still using my home crafted aluminum free deoderant, and my remineralizing home made toothpaste-- love them both. I am really unhappy still with the whole aging skin thing. The sun damage etc... How do we fight that without the help of pharmaceuticals? Don't get me wrong, I am still looking for answers. But for this mamma, whose vanity, sadly trumps her common sense at times, comprimise MUST be found. I have stayed away from the botox bar, but these brown spots are making me feel way older than my 46 years. I MUST make them disappear. Fine lines too, I CAN NOT HAVE IT!! I will keep you posted. I am nothing if not relentless.
2/10/14 Hello friends, and lovers of beauty products. I have recently had my eyes opened to the danger of chemicals in our beauty products. It is really scary to realize that the products we use every day have dangerous ingredients that are building up in our bodies. Many people are focused on eating clean, and organic, watching their diet, and exercising already--- Bravo. (Can't say I have conquered all of those yet!) I started reading labels, and was horrified. It is one of those, ONCE YOU SEE IT, YOU CAN'T UN-SEE IT, types of experiences for me. I am going to put a list here, for your educational pleasure. Start reading those labels.
In an effort to eliminate some of this junk from my everyday beauty routine, I started with the basics first. What do I slather on my face every day, I am a bit of a product junkie, so the list was long. I started reading, and pitching things out. My moisturizers, and BB cream had to go, YUCK!! My deodorant was off the hook dangerous, the Vick's I have been putting under my nose every night to go to sleep since I was 10-- yuck! --- And I wasn't really liking what I saw on the toothpaste label either. So I started with those. I searched for moisturizer and a base make up that weren't toxic, using the guide above. I had some good luck at Trader Joe's and I ordered my base makeup from Lavera. I am loving Green People moisturizer. Please don't consider any of these comments as an endorsement, because I am still exploring, and I plan on shopping around. I also decided the best way to have safe deodorant without spending $12 for it (the cheapskate in me just won't tolerate that price), was to make it my self. I found a simple and effective recipe. I love it. I save all of my recipes to my Pinterest board, Natural Beauty. Feel free to use them, I borrowed them from other blogs. I also made an awesome remineralizing toothpaste. Love it! I made a homemade vapor rub, that smells so delightful, I am tempted to put it on my whole face at night. I realize for most women, the idea of making your own products sounds a little cooky. I get it. That is just how I roll. There are good products out there. If making your own isn't in your reality, I would recommend you check out companies like Ava Anderson Non-Toxic (I have a local friend who reps this company, I am happy to share her info), Young Living essential oils also has great stuff. I am sure there are others, but you might be surprised to find that some companies who promote themselves as green, are not so green. I won't mention names, but if you follow Ava Anderson on Facebook, she is calling em' all out! You go Ava!! Good luck in your journey!
10/30/13 After months of faithful Jamberry use, and YES I still love them. My body chemistry has decided that even they will not last more than a week on my nails. It is frustrating, because I am a gal who likes to be put together, and undone nails is one of those pet peeves that I cannot abide. Nail polish just hasn't worked for me in the past, I have tried many, many, brands, boasting all kinds of staying power, and NO LUCK. It is chipping same day, peeling by day two, and by day three I look like a punk school girl going for the grunge look. GOOD NEWS! I have found a comprimise! Jamberry constantly works at making product improvements and design enhancements, and I have found two products that work great for me. They go on smooth, dry super fast, and most important, they last. I get a good 4-5 days of good wear out of this lacquer, and that is a victory for me. Drumroll please......
Jamberry Professional Nail Lacquer are 5 Free- Lacquers provide a rich and extensive palette of the widest range of colors and effects without the use of Toluene, Formaldehyde, Dibutylphthalate (DBP), Camphor or Formaldehyde Resin. Made in the USA, gluten free, cruelty free, and Vegan friendly.
The second product I am loving is Jamberry wraps with a Matte finish. They go on like butter, really easy application, and stay on better than any of the other finishes,-- for me, with my body chemistry. Everyone is different. Love them. They have an edgy look, and great designs!
6/16/13 My fave mani's
5/23/13 I am all in! I love this product. Whether you like a classic solid or french manicure, whether you like a little funk in your look, edgy or cute, adorable or HOT! Jamberry Nails has you covered. This manicure will last up to two weeks on your fingers -- I literally get bored before they show wear. They last up to 4 weeks on your toes. You can do it your self, easy peasy! Check out these pics!!
If you want to try them email me your address and I will get samples out in the mail today! Test drive them for a couple of weeks, use the sample as an accent nail and polish the rest--- put it to the test! Check out all of the amazing options on my website!
I found a product that I love!! Check it out, so fun, so fabulous, long lasting, and easy to do yourself!!
4/24 I am officially in the category of the self criticizing skin obsessed 40 something woman. I never thought I would be this way. I thought I would be able to overlook the imperfections that come with age the same way I have always been kind to myself about my weight. I rarely feel like I look like a hot mess, until lately. Age, plus an extra 25 lbs, plus aging, is putting me into a funk.
I can see lines everywhere. What a bummer! I want my blinders back, I was happier that way! I know that if I lost weight I would feel better. I know that no one else but me is obsessing over the circles under my eyes, or that wrinkle between my eyes. Why are women so hard on themselves? If you figure it out, let me know. And if you discover some magic potion that actually works, text me, fast. :)
4/13 Ok, so as I get older I am more skin obsessed than ever. The changes come, like it or not, and though new products come out daily promising to hold back the hands of time, the changes seem to come anyway. I am 44 I think, I always say 45, but let's not rush it. I have been blessed with good skin, but as I age, the plagues of lost elasticity, larger pores, brown spots, and older looking eyes are hitting me, hard. I do not like it one bit. I use about a thousand products a day-- ok, maybe not a thousand, but a lot. I don't think any of them do anything!!! I wish I could endorse a product or two here, and say wow! How fabulous! I look 30 again! But alas, I cannot.
Instead I am looking to the older women I know. There are many older women, and by older I am speaking of those in their 60's and up, that are aging really beautifully. I am finding that, for just about everyone, holding back the wrinkles isn't going to happen, but it is what you do with what you have that matters. You can emphasize your lovely features. You can make sure you are always put together. You can wear the most beautiful accessory of all, a big bright smile. That really makes a difference. I am going to see if I can get permission to use pics of some of my older friends, to show you what beauty looks like when it comes from inside. If we aren't beautiful inside, no amount of cream, or make-up will fix it.
Ladies I wish I could recommend some magic cure to aging, I would be uber rich if I could. All I can offer you is this, a beautiful heart, wearing love on your sleeve, caring about others, that is soooooo gorgeous. You can be fabulous always wearing the easiest accessory of all, a smile. Oh, and don't forget your lipstick, that is important too, :)
I try to share the ways in which our spiritual beauty will make us glow, but it doesn't hurt to be on top of beauty tips that work. People always ask me what product do you like best for this? or I love that purse, where did you get it? So..... I decided I will start to share little things that you might find helpful on this page. I'll keep adding to it....
I haven't updated this page for a while, but I have scored a ton of thrift store treasures in the last few months. I need to start taking pics, and get'em up here. I get such a thrill when I discover something awesome!
I also have a new addition to my skin care regime. I can't believe it never occurred to me before!!! I put sunscreen on my hands every morning when I sunscreen my face & neck. I also have been paying close attention to the texture of the skin on my hands-- nothing says drink more water like shriveled looking hands, yuck!!
6/17 Pics of a few thrift store treasures...
Plum suede handback, bought new, with tags, $7 at a Goodwill store!
Steve Madden sandals, new condition, $9
6/5 Edgy classics are coming your way! I am so excited about a fashion trend coming our way this summer! If you look in the magazines you'll see accessories putting a fun new twist on feminine classics. Think tattoos & pearls. Spikes and flowers. I love it! Lucky magazine this month has some awesome jewels to check out. My very own favorite Stella & Dot, is on trend as usual, with the gorgeous Renagade collection. Check it out....
5/10 High Heels are really not the right pick for a fieldtrip to the farm. Ok, first let's acknowledge that this whole page is my educated opinions, but opinions are a dime a dozen. So take this for what it is worth. I am of the opinion that wearing high heels to a kids fieldtrip is pretentious and silly. Really, full on "going to the club" makeup and wardrobe just feels silly and out of place on a farm. If you are going to participate in an event at school please do a little self editing. Make sure you are covered up,(no one wants to see your underwear), that your shoes are appropriate for the event (playing basketball in heels, really???), that your clothing isn't more important to you than getting a little dirty with paint and play dough. Just sayin.....
5/8 Don't be afraid of change! - Women spend years and years trying to figure out "who" they are style-wise. Some women nail down their "signature" style, and stick to it for the next 20+ years. Some give up all together, and opt for easy and comfortable. What is so scary about trying a new hair color, or changing lipstick colors? Do I have to have on red nail polish to be me?? What I have learned over the years is that a persons outward style, is often a clue as to how comfortable a girl is in her own skin. If you think, oh I can't wear that, or red lipstick is too bold for me, or what would people think if I dyed my hair dark, you are still struggling with that "Who do I want to present to the world" fashion struggle. I want to challenge your thoughts on that one, because I believe a woman is many things.
Some days I feel like a Rocker.
Some days, I feel like a pretty in pearls, demure look.
Some days I am feeling kind of BoHo chic.
Some days, I am feeling like yoga pants, a tank top, and flip flops are about all I can muster.
I am who I feel like being. My outward style is more an indicator of my mood than my character. I can say with confidence, that if you are a woman, you have a mood or two. I am the same person, whether I am rockin' leather, and edgy make up, or whether I am going for a sporty tom-boy look. I am still the same woman, and I like who I am. How about you?
4/21 Accessories- It is well established that I am a huge fan of accessories, but I want to encourage you to be bold with them. Layer bracelets, wear long necklaces with shorter necklaces, wrap a gorgeous lariat necklace around a wrist. The best accessory is a versatile accessory.
4/19 New Lipstick Discovery! While I still love my Everlasting Rum listed below, I do have one complaint with it. It doesn't last very long. The tube just doesn't have that much color in it, and I find myself repurchasing it like every 2 months, and considering you only need to apply it once a day, that is a bummer. So I skeptically tried another Revlon Colorstay product, and...... I love it! It gives you the same not gooey, no lip prints on your drink or on the people you smooch stay-putness. It does need to be re-applied occasionally, but it stay on your lips, love that. The best part is, there is alot more color in the tube, so it is a better value! My fav color doesn't come in this formula, but there are many to choose from.
Smile: There is nothing more attractive than a great big smile! Everyone has one, use it! Whitening your teeth can take years off of your age. The zoom option (at your dentist), is quick, and not too expensive anymore. Our favorite family dentists Dr. Queen, and Dr. Queen, tell us with confidence that the whitestrips available at the drug store are equally effective, they just take a little longer.
Skin Care: I am telling you friend, if you are still using bar soap on your face, and not exfoliating a few times a week, you are asking for dull, dry, lifeless looking skin. You don't have to use expensive products, but you MUST wash, exfoliate, tone & hydrate--- and for goodness sake, use sunscreen, EVERY day. I know it is a pain, but I would think injections would be more painful, yes? For the dark spots there are a variety of products that will lighten them up, my favorite is by BioElements, but I know that there are quite a few drug store brands that work well, I'll do a little digging on that one and update you later. It might be time to start experimenting with foundation types, weights, brands. What worked 5 years ago, might not be the best for you now. I am finding that lightweight is better. I especially am liking Loreal's magic souffle. It goes on really light and smooth, with amazing coverage, no powder finish required. I have also been known to mix mineral powder with moisturizer for a super light coverage.
Nails: This is huge. Like many women, I have done the acrylic nails, I have done natural nails, I have even tried the new Shellac products that claim a 10 day manicure without the discomfort (but equal the cost) of maintaining fake nails. I prefer short nails, but I like to have them look nice. In the past, no matter what I used, my nail polish would peel off in days. I didn't even have success with the Shellac product. I found......
Rimmel London, Lasting finish Pro, it comes in 32 colors, and it lasts. It costs like $4.99 a bottle, and you can get it at CVS, and I think WallMart. I have never found it at Target, and Rite Aide is spotty, some have it some don't.
Lips: I always get asked about my lipstick. Part of the reason I think, is that no one, not even my husband, catches me without my lipstick on. You will more likely find me at Trader Joe's in a bikini, than outdoors with no lipstick. Won't happen. So naturally, I had to find a product that stays put, and looks and feels good. I have tried many of the 8hr lipsticks, all of the two-step products (color + gloss), I have tried both drug store variety as well as more expensive brands. The absolute best product I have found, that stays put, doesn't flake, and doesn't dry out my lips is......
Revlon Colorstay Overtime lipstick. It comes in 16 colors. My absolute favorites are EVERLASTING RUM, and STAY CURRANT.
Fashion: I know I am 40+, so my advice in this area isn't necessarily going to appeal to the tween set, so I am targeting my peers here. I have always been a big fan of the "accessory", that is one of the reasons I have always been so drawn to Jewelry, handbags, and shoes. I have never done the scarf thing well, but I certainly admire those who pull that off. Accessories are awesome because they amp up your look whether you are at your thinnest, or NOT. Shoes always fit, even if last seasons jeans don't. I also recommend beefing up your accessory wardrobe if you are not someone who spends alot of money on clothing. I am a mother of four, living in LA, on one income. Our kids and associated expenses speed through our budget before I can even consider buying myself new clothes. I am wearing the same stuff season after season. I buy a few key pieces to freshen it up a little, but my clothing budget is VERY low. I like to have my look feel hip and on trend without feeling like I need to add a bunch of trendy stuff to my wardrobe. I do this with jewelry, handbags, sunglasses, and shoes (I don't buy them too often either). I have tips to offer on where to get quality, on trend, wardrobe additions, and I will give up all my secrets.....a little at a time friend. So for now, think accessories. As we venture into spring, I want you to be on the lookout for a new pair of sunglasses that will make you feel fabulous. (If you are a sunglasses loser/breaker, go for cheap but fabulous looking ones-- If you are going for a more expensive pair that will last a few years, try to keep your look more classic-black is always a good pick in my book)
Finding Great items Cheap: This suggestion might shake my Nordstrom shopping friends to the bone. Thrift stores have amazing, high quality finds. I am not even talking about your fancy boutique style thrift stores. I am talking about your local Goodwill and Salvation Army stores.
Much like shopping at a Ross, or TJ Max, shopping Thrift stores takes patience, and you have to have a good eye. You need to figure out which days are the best days to hit a certain store. I assure you that once you get the hang of it, the rewards are awesome. I get a thrill out of the hunt. What is more exciting than getting a $200 pair of shoes for $9.99, really??? Stick to basic, high quality items, skip through the riff raff at lightening speed. Don't get distracted by the housewares, though I do occasionally spend a few minutes digging though books. I will start posting my pics of my treasures. Just last week I landed a pair of sweet Steve Madden cork healed, platform sandals, and a pair of black leather Cole Haan mules, and a Gorgeous plum suede handbag (new with tags, for $7)