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Showing posts from January, 2013

Come on Friday!!!

The sky is blue, on what feels like a Friday afternoon.....but alas, it is only Thursday.  It has been a tough week.  Sick kids, teenage drama, and an uninspired mama.  I have a ton of work to do....for my job, organizing my home, making appointments for family members to see this Dr. or that Dr., family admin stuff to catch up on. I am just so darned tired. We have a fun weekend ahead if we can just get to it!  The Ravens are in the Super Bowl.  My husband and sons are floating on air at the thought of a Raven's Super Bowl Win. Game day is all planned.  Being superstitious sports fans, they have layed down some game day ground rules: - No party.  Not a real party anyway.  We will have a couple of friends over, but only people who are dead dog serious about watching the game.  No pretenders who are there to eat meatballs, drink beer, and chit chat....this is hard core. - We have to have the exact same game day food that we have had for th...

To Push or NOT to Push

I know I have written on this topic before, but wow, it is hitting in my household like a pie in the face, Life is different now than it was way back in the 80's.  I never questioned what Middle school or High School I would attend, I just walked to the end of my road, got on a bus (that was free by the way), and went to school. My parents didn't deliberate and lose sleep over which school was best.  It was your assigned school, or private school, and the majority of families chose public--at least in rural Southern Pennsylvania.  I knew most of the same kids all through school.  I wasn't an exceptional student.  I was smart, but lazy.  I did well in the classes I enjoyed, not so well in the ones that didn't -- ie: Chemistry, Algebra, etc.... I got in a little bit of trouble, but I had a pretty smile, and all of my teachers knew my Mom, so I got an extra measure of grace-- it didn't hurt that my best friend's Mother was the Principals secretary, lol. ...

Change the constant that keeps us hoppin'

I am a creature who generally does ok with change.  Sometimes I think my spirit seeks it.  I am constantly keeping my life in a state of action.  Rarely do I let the dust settle, and if I do it is not for long.  I imagine that this character quality makes being my friend, Mother, sister, husband or son, a little bit challenging. So far no one has strung me up, although I do occasionally get the hairy eyeball, or at least a gently spoken word of caution.  Bless your hearts, Mom, Sis, Jeff, friends and my beloved boys, I really am lucky to have you. On another note, I do however wonder sometimes why it is necessary to endure so much of it.  I try to look at every bump or turn in the road as an opportunity, but some days..... change feels icky. It is one thing to complicate my own life, but when things outside of my control (which is a lot, lol), happen, and impact me, I have a choice.  Choice number one, go with the flow, be optimistic, look for t...

They have changed, and so have I

With a new year comes a refreshed sense of optimism for me.  Especially this year, as it is 2013, and 13 is my absolute favorite, and lucky number!  There are many new things developing this year. The children are all changing.  The older ones are getting more serious, and are starting to think about college, and life outside of the nest.  My middle schooler is struggling with all of the fun emotional growing pains that middle school brings.  The little ones are just at the beginning of their journey, and everything is exciting and new.  Every word from their teachers mouths gospel.  I am trying to wade through all of these stages, not wanting to miss a thing.  I must admit, it is challenging to stay abreast of and engaged in young adult, middle schooler, and little people, affairs all at once.  It requires a lot of mental bandwidth, and I don't always have bandwidth to spare (after all, I am expected to remember all of their names too.) ...