I am a petite gal living among giants. Tall people see the world through different eyes than short people. They use shelves, I wouldn't dream of using. They stack things up to the ceiling. They get knocked in the head by light fixtures if the table gets moved. Being a shortie, I need a little help sometimes. See, our home has 18 foot ceilings. The tall people in my house have no problem with that. Look where they put my cookbooks! I can't reach those. When ever I need to cook (which is always) I need help getting a cookbook, then if I need a little olive oil---- look where that is! (see the panty pic below) I get that we need to utilize our storage space, but it makes me feel like a helpless little thing when I can't reach anything myself. I whined to my husband about this, this morning, and being a solution oriented fellow he put a step stool in the kitchen, and one in the pantry. They help a little, I still have to really stretch to reach.
I am really lucky that my boys, and my husband help out around the house--- how else would things get in places I can't reach. One last image that will surely give you a chuckle, the dreaded laundry room photo. Yes that is my laundry room, yes it always looks like this, yes those clothes are all clean, and No I can't reach most of them.
The laundry room, those are all clean! |
Garage pantry, with oils and vinigars at least 13 ft up. |
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