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Options for Women continued...

I have been pondering this question, and I know you have too, right? I've been thinking about the options for women with children. I thought for sure the whole virtual office, and job sharing thing would really gain momentum. I believe it has to a limited extent. The likelihood that you can be Co-President of Human Resources & Training, for a prestigious firm, in a job share situation is slim. Am I wrong? I was kind of banking on something like that being possible when my career was in full swing. Lol, it didn't materialize.

Nursing is a great option. My sister has had awesome success, with flexible hours, and amazing income. I'll recommend that to future young mothers, but for me, that train has passed.

Beauty is a great option, hair & skin, can be lucrative, and flexible, but again, going back to school is hard. Cosmetology school is especially hard if you do have an advanced education, and have had success in business, because the beauty world has different rules, and expectations. Right out of high school or college would be good timing for that. A woman in her 40's, not so much. I tried it, hated it.

Direct Marketing Companies, can be lucrative, but many, many, people fail. You need the right product, the right company support & mission, and the right timing in your life. You need to really want it. If that cocktail is there, product + company + personal drive, you can be very successful. Income and flexibility are definitely there. That is where I am at now, with Stella & Dot. I believe this can work for me, I am already earning decent money, with amazing flexibility, it's a good start.

You know, wisdom is something that is hard sometimes to pass along to the next generation. They don't always believe that you had a life before motherhood. It is hard for them to imagine you as a wild insecure teenager, crazy stupid 20 something, Professional Dynamo 30 something. All they know is that you make a mean homemade pizza, and give good hugs. So I'll pass this on to my friends. I know you already know this, are likely living it. If I can help you in your journey, I'll feel successful.


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