We celebrated our son's 8th grade graduation last night. It was a nice ceremony, mercifully paced, and thankfully not too hot. It is a lot of pomp and circumstance for a middle school graduation. While I am always happy to celebrate a child's accomplishments, I don't really agree with all of the hullaballoo over pre-school, elementary, and middle school graduations. In my humble opinion, it isn't such a big deal. Many disagree with me, I know, I get that I am in the minority on this one. I must admit however, that I found myself overwhelmed with emotion yesterday, and it caught me totally off guard. It didn't happen at the graduation ceremony, but when I picked Jack up at school. It occurred to me, as I watched him walk down the sidewalk, saying goodbye to friends, that this was the last time I would pick any of my children up on the curb of AC Stelle Middle School. For some reason, that realization made me emotional. Even today when I think about him heading off to High School, I am a little teary. He is just so darned grown up all of a sudden. If I really stop to think about how little time I have left with my oldest sons at home, I get really emotional. It is a blink in time. My babies are almost adults. How the heck did that happen?? I am thankful for every hug, every cuddle, every opportunity to talk to them, every opportunity to watch them interact with friends. Every single moment is a gift. Thank you Lord for the blessing of my sons, I am so grateful.
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