In an effort to get my oldest son to open up to me about his thoughts on girls, I have been asking a lot of questions. He is a handsome boy, sweet and smart too. Reminds me a lot of a guy I knew growing up (Kyle
Bartle- for those of you I grew up with). He is big, and athletic, and not really chatty, I would say shy, but I think he might come off as a little aloof. I know he is interested in girls, but he hasn't shown much interest in socializing outside of school yet. That is
ok by me, no need to rush that in my opinion. I am very sensitive to the insecurities of young girls, having been one myself, but this is my first real exposure to what young men go through. I think he really believes that he is not cute, or funny, or smart, in the eyes of young girls. He thinks everyone is out of his league. This is hilarious to me, because I look at him and think, wow, he is a freshman girls dream. He doesn't get that though. He thinks I am just looking at him through the love sick eyes of a Mom. I think back to the boys that I thought were
sooooo amazing when I was a freshman girl, and he fits the bill. He told me a girl told him he had beautiful eyes the other day. I said, "wow, that was nice of her to say, you know you do have beautiful eyes, right?", apparently that wasn't the first time a girl had commented on his beautiful blue eyes. You would think that would clue him in to the fact that girls notice him, but nope, he doesn't believe it. Why is it, that when we are in our primes, young, fit, beautiful, we still find flaws so big we can't see our own beauty? This is something I don't think I will ever understand. What is that saying, youth is wasted on the young? Or is it beauty?
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