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Foster Care & Adoption thoughts

This morning I was listening to talk radio, and the focus was on the topic of foster care and adoption.  This is a topic that has engaged me for many years.  I am not one to quote scripture, I am pretty new to the whole reading and understanding the Bible thing.   I do however find more and more that this big "complicated book", is really a very simple manual for life.  It really isn't complicated, God is pretty clear about what he expects from us.

Something that really resonates with me, is this:

James1:19, 22-24

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,"

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like."

My point is, knowing what God wants of us, is like Pandora's box, once you know-- you can't "unknow", so if you choose to move forward without acting, you are knowingly walking in disobedience.

It's like when your child does something crazy like peeing on a tree right in front of your dinner guests.(Yes, that has happened in the Rhodes household) It's not fun, but hey, first time, we will give them grace.  But once they KNOW, that is not ok, if they do it again, there is a pretty big consequence.  Sorry to over simplify, but it illustrates, right?

That is how I feel about caring for the lost ones in this world.  Once you know, you can't unknow.  That looks different for everyone, it doesn't mean that every family is meant to foster and adopt-- of course not. But how might you be called to take care of the orphans of this world? Could it be to sponsor a child through letters or small money gifts?  Could it be supporting events like backpack drives, an Christmas gift drives for foster kids?  Could it mean getting on an urgent needs email list with an agency (like Olive Crest, Rosemary's Children) where you can make immediate donations of furniture, or clothes, or tons of different things, as urgent needs arise?

Follow your heart, it speaks loud and clear.  God is speaking to you, drawing you toward something.  I would encourage you not to put your hands over your ears, screaming "LaLaLa La, I can't hear you!!


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