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This one is for the girls...

I believe most of those who read my posts are women, but warning, if you are a man, you may want to pass on this one.

Ok ladies, I have to take a little time to discuss the maddening side effects of female hormones. They have always caused me trouble.  And by trouble I mean......




SUPER NASTINESS.... the b word would be very descriptive here, but I will refrain. Let's just say I can be meaner than a snake.

EXTREME TIREDNESS -- this precedes the monster migraine.

THE sad.  Everything is horrible.  My life is a mess. I am a sucky parent, wife, sister, daughter. Blah, Blah, Blah

I don't know how it works for everyone else, but for me it is like clockwork.

 "Wow, I am being a real B today......oh, it is the 15th."

"I am a failure! How are we ever going to get out of this mess?? My husband just doesn't understand me.... why doesn't ANYONE GIVE AN S ABOUT MY FEELINGS???".....oh jeez, it is the last week of the month, I'll feel better in a few days.

I can barely keep my eyes open today, next day, BLINDING MIGRAINE!!! .... oh it must be the 8th.

Can you relate???  Well, I am 45 now.  For my friends who are in their 20's & 30's, I love you, so I'll share a little wisdom with you.  I have lots of wisdom, because I am old, one of the few benefits of aging.  The truth is, your hormones get even more wacked.  Everything I experienced before, is on turbo drive.  The mood swings, nastiness, blues, cramping, headaches, etc..... are all worse, if you can imagine that.

My doctor said it is not early menopause, I just have whacked hormones.  So I have to spend an enormous amount of energy just to maintain.  So when I am smiling, not screaming, not crying, and being pleasant, that is a victory for me.

Why do I share this?  Because I want you to know you are not alone.  It doesn't matter how "together" a person looks on the outside, we all fight our own battles.  So march on my friends! Smile when you want to curse, be sweet when you want to strangle someone, give hugs instead of whining about your day......the world will appreciate your effort, even if they have no idea what it costs you. :)


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