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Blessed and Exhausted

Fall is officially here Mamma's! Though here in SoCal, the 100+ temps make it difficult to start thinking of crisp apple cider, and turning leaves.....ahhhh, that makes me SO HOME SICK! I have lived in Southern California for 10 years now, and every Fall, I experience a yearning to be back East. Fall festivals, sweatshirts, cool brisk air, real football weather, I do so miss it.  But alas, it passes. The remainder of the year I am very content with my gorgeous SoCal weather.

This is a new season for us.  My oldest has started college. He is still at home attending the local community college, so it is a weird hybrid state of adulthood.  "Mother, I am an adult....", "Mom, can you pick me up school supplies", "Mother, I can manage my own life?" "Hey Mom, whats for dinner??" It is strange, but I am grateful for the time with him.  I wasn't ready for him to leave yet.  I would have been a woman about it, had that been the outcome, but I am glad to see his smiling face everyday just the same.

My second born is a Senior in high school. He hasn't even started school yet, but his college applications are in progress, he is doing AP pre-work, and being a dedicated and serious leader on his HS football team.  I don't need to draw out the obvious differences between my two oldest for you, you are likely getting the picture. I am also grateful for this last year of "life at home" with Jack.  I have no doubt he is off to college next year, and every school he is applying to is 3000 miles away. I will treasure the moments this year.

Last but not least my youngest three sons, are all playing youth football, and being their goofy selves. The youngest two are in 2nd grade, and Michael is in 8th.  I cannot get my head around the fact that Michael will be in High School next year.  It just does not seem possible.

SO-- here in the Rhodes household,  the pace is fast, the volume is loud, the food bill is ridiculous, Jeff (my husband) and I are exhausted--- and we wouldn't have it any other way.  We are blessed beyond measure.


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