Check out a little mentally, read a book, watch mindless TV, take a nap, eat cookies.... you get it.
I occasionally need, ( that is NEED) a day, when I don't have to...
Drop off or pick up at school---
Run to the store at the last minute
-because someone volunteered to bring breakfast for his 1st period class,
-or someone needs candy to give his cheer sister,
-or someone needs poster board to do a project that is due tomorrow.
Stare at the freezer wondering what on earth to make for dinner.
Answer every "MOOOOOOM he's bugging me", or "WHAAAAAAA I'm telling MOM!!"
Sometimes you just want to chill, with a glass of wine, a bag of potato chips, and a little Days of our Lives---- you feel me?
Hmmmm, I wonder what a girls got to do to get one of those on the calendar.
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