What a nice weekend. As hectic as it can be maneuvering through the social & sports schedule of a family of six, I wouldn't want it any other way. I never imagined myself to be sitting on the sidelines cheering on my boys in brutal hand to hand combat (wrestling), watching them struggle and bleed (nose bleeds). I am so proud of all of them. We are coming up on football season, I know, ALREADY??? I only have one playing this year, and he is in High school, so believe it or not, that will make it a little easier on the Mom chauffeur. As busy as these crazy days are, I know there will be a day when I will long for the days when our Saturdays were booked from 7am-7pm. I know I will miss all of it.
My two oldest sons are becoming men right before my eyes. In a few short years William will be off to college, with Jack right behind him the following year. Sigh........ Fortunately for me, God knows my heart, and brought Nick & Michael to me, so that I have many years left with boys at home.
In preparation for a future of love and marriage, and God willing, lot's and lot's of grandchildren-- I am making sure my boys know now that I fully expect to be the very first one they call when they need babysitters for their own children. I am praying for the wives they have yet to meet. I am praying that while they grow and mature, my sons will maintain the good character that they exhibit now. I am praying that my life as a Mother of adults, and Grandmother, will be one where I can be present, and helpful, and a joy to my sons and their families. You may think I am off my rocker, planning and thinking about things that are so far down the pike, but I disagree. I believe that God has already got all of the details worked out, so I am just doing my part praying in advance for all the good things I hope will happen for my sons. Some day I hope my sons will look back and realise that their Mother has been on her knees praying for them their whole lives, and what an impact that prayer has had. It is my hope that they will share the importance of prayer with their own families. I don't want my boys to grow up believing for a second that their paths were paved with good/bad luck. Luck, schmuck, God's will trumps "luck" every time. Ok, this post is turning into a book, so I'll wrap it up. Have an incredible week full of joy and productivity friends!
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