I know I write about my children a lot. I hope it doesn't bore you to tears. If so, feel free to skip reading today. In my defense, I originally started this blog as a book. My intention being to document my love for my family, the joys and tears of parenthood, to communicate to my husband and sons how important I have found it to develop a personal relationship with God. Along the road I know I have detailed life with my beautiful toddler Nick. I have detailed my amazing love for my oldest William. I know I have discussed my special soul, who marches to his own groove, Michael. I do not think that I have given you a snapshot of my incredible, 2nd son Jack.
I always thought birth order didn't mean a lot, but I believe there is something to all of that first born, second born, middle child research. Jack is proof positive. He was always the sweetest, and most obedient of my children. The boy who won over the hearts of adults. He has always been the one to push himself too. He is an "A" student, never accepts anything less from himself. He is a dedicated and highly coach-able athlete. He is a sincerely nice kid. He loves his family, and he makes sure we know it. Now he can also be a punk. He is the master aggravator among his brothers. He is the least content. The typical teenage mouth, and exasperation has hit a little early, but in comparison to many kids his age-- we are very fortunate.
We have high hopes for Jack. He is motivated to achieve great things. Just yesterday, we found out that he was not only accepted, but received a substantial scholarship to attend a prestigious, and amazing private school. This opportunity arose because an old coach of his thinks highly of him, and when asked if he knew any talented football players who might be interested in a Viewpoint School Education, his coach recommended him. What a blessing. Jack has his sights set high, he sees himself at Standford in 4 years. I have a feeling that this kid can achieve most anything he sets his mind to. Should be interesting to watch. :)
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