I need a little help here. If you have wisdom to lend , please email me. Ok, I have two dogs. Duke, a black lab/sharpei mix, about 5 years old. He was a rescue, had a few issues, but has a great temperament, and is a great pet. Murphy, also a rescue, but a puppy, around 1 we think. He is an attention hog. He chews everything. He digs. He has now progressed from chewing Nick's toys, to trying to chew shoes. He chews cables of any kind (we have lost countless DS chargers, phone cords, etc...). He scares the pee out of the Gardner's, and any other service person who comes near our yard. Having said all of that, Murphy is sweet and affectionate, and super cute. We love him, we just don't know how to do the puppy thing I guess. My oldest son is reading dog training websites, and is working with him a little bit each day. My husband, who is not a huge dog fan, but has really grown to love Duke, is getting a bit irritated by the naughty puppy behavior from Murphy. Having adopted our son from the foster care system, we have strong feelings about the whole "forever family" concept, you don't give a member of your family "back", even a dog. So I think we humans need some training, so that Murphy can stay out of trouble. Can you recommend any good books, or training programs? I am not willing to spend a ton on training, so I won't be hiring Ceasar Milan to come train us. I am open to suggestions. Thanks friends
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