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Showing posts from July, 2011

Forging on, and trying not to hurt myself

When things start to get cooking around here, it makes for a hectic, busy, life. This is my first summer with two high schoolers , and their schedules alone fill up my schedule fast. Then there is all of the stuff I try to squeeze in over the summer, trips to the dentist, physicals, the eye doctor. The latest is trying to get three sons ready to go back east for two weeks, add to that the fact that I leave for a week long business trip the day before the boys leave. Now that is the good news! I have been looking for the perfect role for a while now, I just may have found it. Going back to my Training & Consulting business roots, I'll be teaching classes as a consultant on a 6 month contract. Meanwhile, while life seems to be headed in the right direction. I found work, My kids are happy, healthy, and busy. I was able to volunteer at Vacation Bible School. I am managing to make time for myself to stay grounded. Guess what starts to happen???? I am a walking injury. I bur

Love is HUGE!

I got to visit with a friend of mine last night. She is a Mom of one awesome 15 year old. He has been friends with my oldest since third grade. She has taken in 3 little foster babies. They are brothers, ages 4, 3 and 20 months. Wow, what an undertaking, right?? Three kids under the age of five, presto, all at once. They didn't come with much in the way of belongings. God is good, though, and the blessings have been flowing their way. What these guys need most is love, limits, and security. The clothing, and toys, are a blessing, and to the boys, I am sure it is almost overwhelming to go from having nothing, to having so much. How scary it must be for these little ones, shifted from home to home, from care giver, to care giver. How confusing. When you say, we are going home, they are still confused about what that means. Going to McDonald's even has a confusing connotation, because they associate it with a visit from their birth parents. So much to process. Love

Perfection is overrated

Perfection is overrated. It is the impossible brass ring, that keeps women running in circles. It keeps us critical of our bodies and faces. It keeps us from opening our homes to friends and family (when things aren't just so). I believe the quest for perfection is a tool of the evil one, to keep women (especially) off balance, unsure of themselves, weak. After all, if you were confident in your own beauty, felt good about your home, making you hospitable to all, if you felt good in your clothing, confident of your parenting skills...... what could stop you from being all that He created you to be? What would stop you from trying new things, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, what would stop you from growing into someone influential, someone who makes a huge difference in the world. Nothing would. Ah ha.... so who wins if you chase your tail trying to look like the hot ( photoshopped ) women in the magazines? Who wins if you constantly compare yourself to women you

Catchin' Up!

Hello friends. I must apologize to those of you who actually take the time out of your day to read my silly blog. Summer has taken over my house, and finding quiet time to write has been challenging. I have all four boys home, plus tons of friends over, cousin matthew, wet towels everywhere, messes galore, dogs dragging wet muddy paws, the whole deal. We are in full swing. I cannot keep food in this house, the boys and their friends, are eating machines. I came home the other day to see William and his friends munching on raw blocks of ramen soup. What???? Don't judge it till you try it, they said. I am working with my church's Vacation Bible School team this week. I get to work with the littlest ones doing crafts. It is so fun. I get to work with my Nick, which I love. Two of my guys are suffering with the nastiest ear infections we have ever had in this house. Serious pain, and my guys have pretty high pain tolerances, they are not complainers. Not so fun. Today is my b

Wow, who knew He would do that for me?

Do you walk around under the illusion that you are in charge? I did. For years and years, I was determined to be the architect of my life. I decided what I would do, and when I would do it, and was determined to see things turn out a certain way. How naive was that??? I thought that the choices that I was making were making me independent, and smart, and worldly. That was back when I thought being called "worldly", was a compliment. Wow, has life changed. God gave me a few subtle course corrections, then a few more less than subtle swats on the nose, until I finally got it. I am not in charge. I never was. He let me go down my crazy path, let me mess up, and thankfully brought me back to him in his own perfect timing. I am so very grateful for the way he has put people in my life to guide me toward Him at just the right time. How He knows my heart, and leads me. How He leads me to just the right passage of scripture, when I need guidance or assurance. It is amazin

Mommy Kryptonite

I consider myself a pretty hands on Mom, but let me tell you, I have a " kryptonite "--- it is throw up! I love my baby boys, and I will do most anything, to make sure they are happy & healthy. When gastro intestinal nightmares hit my house, I want to go running for the hills. My poor baby Nick started feeling crummy yesterday, and it got even worse today. I feel so bad for the little guy, he is miserable. It is so scary to not be able to control that crazy Run to the bathroom business. Shamefully, as I am chasing him to the bathroom, all I can think of is RUN!!!! PLEASE MAKE IT TO THE TOILET!!!!! My poor husband is trying to teach a webcast class in his office, he hears wretching , then me, saying OH my..... this is sooooo.....disgusting.....blech...gag... choke. I lose all composure at the sight/smell of puke. So sad, I know. My compassion does come back eventually, but it takes me a few minutes. That my friends, is my Mommy confession for the day.

Lazy days of summer....

What does summer mean to you? I imagine for Mom's who work, it can be a stressful season, trying to keep everyone busy, happy, and trying to get to work on time all the while. For many families, camp is the solution. For the Rhodes clan, is means a slower pace, camp outs in the back yard, smores in the fire pit , and friends over almost every day. It means never being able to find a dry towel too, the only down side to having a pool full of kids. I have been blessed with years and years of summers with my kids. Our summers are not full of amusement parks, fancy vacations, and movies every other day, but I think when my kids are grown, they will appreciate the experiences they have had, without all of that stuff. I have really fond memories of summers as a kid, and they were much the same. I remember sleepovers, camp outs , small town carnivals, lounging by the pool, and my favorite part....crabs. My birthday is coming up, and every year since we moved west, all I can think

Fill up your tank...

Good morning friends. Summer is upon us, that is for sure. How is got here so quick, I'll never understand, but I am thankful just the same. It is 4th of July weekend, my oldest son is turning 15, the sun is shining, and life is good. Praise God for that. Yesterday was a good day. I took my sons to Zuma Beach. We hung out with friends. I got in some awesome much needed Mommy fellowship time. My tank has been running a little empty lately. I would encourage all of you to be aware of your own tanks this summer. Life takes over, schedules can overwhelm, and if you don't watch yourself closely, you can end up exhausted, cranky, and emotionally bankrupt. I know you know what I am talking about. Keep an eye on yourself. A very good friend reminded me the other day, just how important it is to stay connected to the things that keep me feeling spiritually filled up. To not deny myself that time. In two days time, that reminder, that awareness, has made such a difference i