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Showing posts from January, 2012

Sunny Days

Some days I just wake up full of hope, and energy, and am excited about all life holds for us. Today is one of those days. I don't know why I feel that way, nothing is different from yesterday. The sun feels a little warmer, more people seem to be smiling, perhaps my imagination, maybe not. Tuesday is a super busy day for us, lot's of activities, practices, etc... --- so today is a good day to be filled with optimism, it will help me get through the tougher moments between 3-6pm. Driving, homework, dinner prep, more driving, all that good stuff. Thank you Lord for days like today, when my normal load, feels light. I appreciate the energy, the warmth, and the smiles. Amen

How I came to know Him

I am helping to prepare a baby shower for a young woman at our church. She is young, just 22. Thinking about her, and what the future may hold for her and her little family, got me to thinking about life at 22. Much has changed for me since I was 22. That was really a difficult time. I didn't realize at the time that it was difficult. I had graduated from college, was having a post college, pre-real life, super good time. I was bar tending, partying, picking up and traveling to far away places to party some more. I didn't really have much in the way of financial responsibility yet, and my parents were living in Egypt-- leaving me in charge of the house and my younger sister. It was an "out all night, sleep all day", kind of life. To be honest, I was setting a pretty poor example for my sister, who at the time was working full-time at a nursing home, and was far more responsible than I was. Looking back at that time, and even later, till about age 25, it make

Rhodes Hospitality

2012 is here. All of the planning, and cooking, and wrapping, then poof, the Christmas season is over. The weather is strangely warm and things are slowly getting back to normal. Normal here, means kids going in different directions, lots of driving, Jeff charged up about a creative venture, me trying to keep up with everyone-- while actively seeking ways to complicate life. That is what I do you know, I get things running nice and smooth, everyone happy, things under control, THEN I SHAKE IT ALL UP! My mother called me out on that behavior years ago. Of course I denied it then, but I can't help but admit it at this point. The evidence is overwhelming. Have three boys and a home, sell it! Move to LA! Managing three boys, adopt a fourth, finally get in a house and get in a groove, get a dog, add a whole bunch of volunteer responsibility in there, launch a business or two, get everyone in school, get a job-- that requires travel, get another dog.... why not??? I can handle it