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Showing posts from March, 2011

Friends are priceless

Networking with other women can be challenging. We run into other women in various environments, school, church, volunteer committees, friends of friends, but sometimes it is tough to move ourselves from the safe position of "hello", to putting ourselves out there. Women are such interesting creatures. Rarely is what we see on the surface a good representation of what is underneath. We are good at playing it safe, only allowing ourselves to be vulnerable with those in our absolute inner circle. Sometimes it can take years to cultivate an atmosphere comfortable enough to expose ourselves to the possibility of rejection. I have recently had the benefit, of having people let their guard down a little around me. I am not sure why that is happening, but I am grateful. People who I have been interested in getting to know, seem a little more open to me. Perhaps they read my blog, see me letting it all hang out, and feel like they know me a little. Hallelujah , what ever it

Volunteering, a leap of faith

A few years back I was completely immersed in volunteering at school. I held leadership roles on our PFA (PTA, PFC, has many names, same thing)Board, I was room parent, organized the school carnival, the list goes on. I had good reasons for doing it, and I enjoyed it, but I had a lot going on, and I felt like I was keeping myself so busy that I wasn't able to focus on my family and my own spiritual growth the way I wanted to. So I stepped back. I took the break I needed. Organizations like school volunteer groups can get a little political, and the many personalities can be challenging to deal with at times. I found myself a little exhausted maneuvering around all of the silliness. Ok , so fast forward a year or so. I miss the involvement. I miss feeling connected to what is going on in the school environment. I miss connecting in person with other Moms on a regular basis. My house isn't immaculate, the laundry isn't always done, I haven't morphed into Helen homemaker

Just like a diamond....

When you start looking at your life, and the many events who have shaped who you are, it is hard to ignore the fact that God uses challenging circumstances for his purpose. Think about diamonds and what a treasure they are, think about how they are created, under ENORMOUS pressure, right? Take a sec to look at your life through a different lens. How have you morphed and changed over time? What life events have challenged you to stretch, to tolerate more than you ever thought you could? Now take a moment to think about your gifts, even the secret ones that no one knows about. Are you the quiet shy woman with an angel's voice? Do you have the gift of compassion? Do you see solutions where others see walls? What is easy for you that is hard for many other people? Do you have the gift of gab? That can be an amazing tool to network and pull people together. You are an amazing design, the Creator made you just the way you are for his purpose. What are you doing with your gifts?

Weakness or gift? It all depends on your perspective

Did you ever think that allowing yourself to appear weak in front of others could be a gift? I didn't. I thought the fact that I can get so emotional was definitely a weakness. I cry over commercials, I cry when I watch Oprah, I cry when I hear awesome music, and I definitely cry when I am going through a rough spot, and I am sharing it with someone. I met a really amazing woman last year, her name is Rita. I had a particularly rough year last year. Tough financial times, struggling with depression a little, but I was still plugging through. I saw Rita once a week (She was the leader of my Women's Bible Study group) , and she would call me once a week. She didn't know the details of my troubles, but she knew I was having a difficult time. Her sincerity, and warm hugs, never failed to make me cry. I would get all embarrassed. I told her that it was humiliating to me that I could not control my emotions. I shared with her that I at one time used prescription med

Use your gifts

I listened to an especially good sermon this morning. What I took from it was that God gives you gifts (like skills, talents, resources, etc...), with the hope that you will use those gifts to further the kingdom. We are expected to take care of our families, help others, and to look for ways to serve using those gifts. Earning a profit is good, we are expected to work hard, to care for our families, to care for others who are in need. To use our blessings to bless others. We don't have to be "successful" in worldly terms, to be successful in the eyes of God. He cares a whole lot about our intentions. For example, the success of a ministry is not necessarily measured by the number of people participating, or the amount of money raised. It makes sense to sit back and take account of our gifts. To tally up our talents. I think of this often, but this sermon was that nice nudge I needed, the reminder to do a personal assessment. How am I moving forward in my walk

Keep moving Forward!!!

I need a breath of fresh motivation. When life takes over and pressing priorities seem overwhelming it is really tough to stay motivated. Working for yourself has many rewards. The ability to have some level of control over your work life , when you work, how often you work, etc.. That flexibility can also be a disadvantage. When life gets complicated, it is too easy to put your work on the back burner to deal with what feels like more pressing priorities. So, for the past two weeks, my Jewelry business has definitely been on the back burner. That leaves me in the position of having to get re-charged, and start fresh. It also means I lost any momentum I had going. So I am not going to wait till Monday, waiting is a cop out. I am going to complete a minimum of three tasks today (calls, mailing etc..) that will move my business in a positive direction. I will also be purchasing a Mega Millions ticket, on the off chance that God has grander plans for me. Then I will gear u

The people who "Knew You When"

I have been pondering the stages of life we go through. I barely remember childhood to be honest, I wish I did remember more. Fortunately I have a dear friend who I have known since age three, who tells me hilarious stories from our childhood. Then there were the teen years, the 20's, 30's, and now the 40's. Life changes so much over the years. As I get older, I recognize more than ever, the importance of keeping people in my life who knew me at each of those points in time. Not just family, but friends, who went "through the wars" with me, as my husband would say. The friends who knew me in high school, in college, after college but before marriage , etc... I feel so fortunate to have people in my life who "knew me when". People who have pictures and stories from the good (and not so good) old days. Friends who were by my side during some of the hardest times in my life, as well as during the most joyous times. I have very little regret. Don

Choose to be beautiful

Women are complimentary creatures. We notice things about other people. Most women are quick to compliment another woman's outfit, or her haircut, or lip color . It is funny how we see these details that are virtually invisible to most men. Sure they notice if a woman looks nice, or if she has on a flattering outfit, but they rarely notice the small stuff. While women are quick to compliment someone else, they are also are the first ones to criticize themselves. To let their day be ruined by a bad hair day, or to feel like the night is doomed because nothing in their closet looks decent on them. They will look in the mirror and obsess over the size of their pores, or that one wrinkle between their brows. They will avoid shorts because of the vein behind a knee, and wear long sleeves in 90 degree weather because they are self conscious about their arms. They will give others credit for being fashionable, and glamorous , when they give themselves no credit at all. "

When life get's calm, add a bit of chaos, right???

Do you ever feel like life is spiraling a little out of control? Everything is converging, priorities are all "hot". Spring seems like the season for that. It seems that all sorts of decisions are needing to be made, actions taken, forms filled out, checks written, in every direction, from pre -school to high school. Fortunately for me, I don't have anyone in college yet, but I am already overwhelmed with the idea of preparing for that stage of life. I am scheduled to attend a financial aide seminar this weekend to help me get ready. It just so happens that on the same day we have an all day wrestling tournament, a hockey game, and an Awana event at Church. If there was ever a time I wish I had a clone hiding in the closet to help out, it would be now. I have also an extra level of chaos to the household by agreeing to take in a black lab pup (8months old), and as good as he is, two big dogs romping around in an already chaotic household, is a little over the top

Anyone have an Ark?

What a weird day! It is raining, hard, here in SoCal. My pool is about to overflow. The water is seeping into my Master Bedroom, what a mess. The boys are trying to do the Man thing, because Dad is out of town. Jack and Michael were tossing buckets of water into the trees to try to lower the water level outside my door. Jack is laying towels and sopping up mess. Flash flood warnings, everything cancelled, too nasty to go out. It might as well be a blizzard with three feet of snow around here. So tomorrow is a school day. I am wondering if we'll have a delay, or even a cancellation, seriously. We are not prepared for this nonsense out here. Everything floods, roofs leak, cars crash, it's crazy. Well Happy Monday. I hope things get back to normal.

When do I get "Wise"??

I have a huge question. When will I gain the very helpful skill of discernment? I think I hear God talking to me all of the time. Not like "I am hearing voices", crazy person hearing him talk to me. I hear that quiet voice, my gut telling me to head in this direction or that direction, to pursue this or not to pursue that, to do this to resolve this problem, etc.... The problem is, I don't trust my own judgement on some things. I fear that sometimes my inner voice is my own impulsive nature disguising itself as God. Or worse, the enemy is leading me down the wrong path by tempting me with my own desires. When do I get to be wise and discerning? When will I not be run ragged by my own ADD impulsive nature? Hmmmmmm . I don't know the answer to that question. I guess I will have to pray on that, and hope God decides to use a bullhorn to speak to me instead of a quiet voice next time. :)

Poker, Jewels, and Mom gets properly appreciated!

I am working on some new design ideas, so keep an eye out for new pics on the jewelry design page of this blog. I'll have new stuff all ready for preview and purchase before Mother's Day Ladies! My husband is organizing a poker night/ get your wife a nice gift for Mother's Day event, complete with guy food, and beverages, and of course a good night of poker. If you think your husband might be interested in playing, keep an eye out for the evite, they can get lost in the muck of emails. I would love to see your jewel wishlists! It will make it easier for your man to do an AWESOME job on Mother's Day (or any other big occasion) if you give me a heads up on what would make you feel FABULOUS. That goes for friends near and far. Take a look at my e-boutique to check out Stella & Dot, or take a look at this blog for my handcrafted pieces. Give me a heads up, and I will personally contact your hubby to help him shop. Either way,

It's only Wednesday!

Wow, what a week, and it is only Wednesday! My husbands work is chaotic, in a good way, but also in a "one armed wall-paper hanger" kind of way, he is going a little crazy trying to stay ahead of everything. Big decisions are requiring attention left and right. My ten year old has been sick, AGAIN. And, as for me, this is a week I should be laser focused on my business to take advantage of momentum from two shows last week, and I am anything but focused on my business. Focused on kids, dogs, husband, creative design ideas, so much. We have family in from out of town this weekend, and there is SO much going on this weekend with the kids stuff, plus Jeff has to travel again. Yikes. Ok , enough of the venting. All is good, just busy.

Stop running for a minute, and breathe..

Go, go, go. It seems that is the way we have to function if we have any hope of keeping up with the race that life can become. Priorities push and pull us in different directions. Travel here, go there, pick up one here, take another there. Do you sometimes feel like life is dragging you along at a pace that is just a little to fast? I make an effort to keep things under control, but it speeds up a little at a time, until without realising it happened, I am running to keep up again. I believe, that sometimes it is necessary to just put on the breaks. To say stop. No we won't be running there today, today we are taking the day off. We are going to sit at the same table for dinner. We are going to have a conversation, all in the same room, without the use of technology. No facebook, no texting, no email, no twittering, and no phone. Today, we look each other in the eyes and talk. Today we discuss what makes you happy, and what makes you sad. We talk about our faith, and

Everything big and small...

Good Morning everyone. I am sorry I have been off the radar for the past few days. I have to be honest, I have been a little emotionally overwhelmed . The earthquake and tsunami, and all of the loss associated with it, has been really weighing heavy. I have the same old problems I had the day before it happened. Some of them seem huge to me, but I have had trouble even praying about them, because it seems so selfish to me. To pray about what school to send my son to, or about our finances, or for a calm and peaceful spirit-- while huge to me, seem small. Let me tell you, that prayer makes a difference in how I function in my every day life. God lifts me up on days when my cozy bed is tempting me to "take a sick day" and sleep the day away. So here it is Monday, and I need to get back to the business of life. I will be on my knees praying for the people of Japan, but I know in my heart, nothing is to small for God. He can handle it all. Unlike me, he won't be

Networking can be expensive!

I went to a cool women's networking meeting the other night. It was with an organization called Heartlink . It was at some one's house. An awesome dinner was served. Tables set, lovely hospitality, and about 20 very interesting women were there. We each got 3 minutes to introduce ourselves and tell a bit about our business's. Most of the women knew each other already. Many of the women present had business's that sell through direct marketing. Most of the big ones were represented, and a few new ones I had never heard of but found interesting. There were also women with other business's like insurance, legal services, printing, etc... It is great to meet like minded people, and I can definitely see the benefits of attending regularly. The bad part however, is it leaves you wanting to go shopping! All of a sudden, I MUST have the new mango cutter from Pampered Chef, and I am yearning to freshen up my candles, and I NEED a hole new wardrobe from CABi .

Nothing like a little LA Sunshine!

This weather is GORGEOUS! We have friends from back east visiting, and our Gorgeous LA weather came out to play, just in time for their visit. A beautiful day makes you want to get up, get out, and enjoy the day. There is no room for sweatpants, or soap opera's on a day like today. You want to look your best, feel your best, and recharge. I love my east coast friends. I miss you an awful lot. Having the fabulous Leonardi brothers out for a visit, makes me even more homesick for old friends. BUT, I can say in all honesty my friends, it would take wild horses to drag me back to a Baltimore winter for good. I have gotten soft out here in LA, and I shiver when the temperature falls below 70. I light the fireplace, and bundle up in UGGS and sweaters. You would laugh at me, go on, chuckle. You can make fun of me, then go make your reservations to come out for a visit. :)

Needles suck!

Yesterday I took my 10 year old and my 4 year old to our Pediatrician for check-ups. I had no clue how rough it was going to be. My poor little guy, 4 years old, had to endure 7 shots! It was horrible. He kept screaming, "please don't hurt me anymore", poor baby. That just seems like too many for a kid to get all at once. Even my 10 year old, who only got 4, and who was putting up a brave front for his little brother had tears in his eyes. Our doctor is great. She spends her time loving all over the kids, talking to them, gives them a big hug, then leaves the room. She gets out of dodge before the nurse with all the needles comes in. Clever lady right? She doesn't want the kids to associate the horror with her one bit. In between sobs, Nicholas was scowling at the nurse, and muttering under his breath. Likely plotting some 4 year old revenge. He wasn't too happy with me either, as I was forced to hold him down while she stuck him with the needles. I t

Jeff's Birthday Weekend

We celebrated my husbands 47 th birthday this weekend! Wow, it is hard to believe that we have been together for 19 years. Time is going by crazy fast. He had a poker night with his brother, nephew and a few friends. He took lots of naps. He got to chill and watch super boring TV with no hassles. He got his requested lasagna dinner, and we had the family over to enjoy it. He doesn't ask for a lot, and I believe he really enjoyed himself. He got a special surprise yesterday, as our 10 year old gave him a huge loaf of sharp cheddar (has to be like 5 lbs at least) that he bought him with his very own money. Jeff loves cheese. Tomorrow two of his very dearest, and oldest friends, the Leonardi brothers, come to town. Not a bad 47 th ! Now I'll be under a little pressure for his 50 th , but I have a few years to figure that out!

A glimpse in the Rhodes' window...

My whole house shakes as my son plays handball against an outside wall. The dog runs around like crazy while the four year old taunts him with the shrill sounds of a toy harmonica. Pizza dough sits risen, ready for me to start making pizza's for our Friday night dinner. I fend off sleep over requests from my son Michael, who is always up for inviting 3 or 4 friends over to stay up all night. The 14 year old is attempting to catch the Borgias in his Assassins Creed game. The neighbor boys bellow over the back wall for the boys to come out and play. Believe it or not, despite all of the activity, it is actually kind of peaceful around here this evening. Everyone is home. Everyone seems content. All is good. So I'll get I'll get up, pour myself a glass of wine, and make a few pizza's. Have a nice weekend everyone!

Hormones really get on my nerves...

Every woman has moments when she has trouble seeing the sunshine through the clouds. Some struggle more frequently than others. I have one day per month, typically around the 30th, and on this day I am sad. I am worried. I simply, "can't see blue skies". I tell myself that the feeling of gloom is not real. The sky isn't falling. My world is still in tact. In that 24 hour period however, I just can't believe it. Some might say, sheesh Victoria, go on medication for goodness sakes! I just don't believe that is necessary. The knowledge that tomorrow I will wake up with renewed optimism is enough to get me through the rough day. Thankfully what used to be days of gloom, doesn't last long at all anymore. Depression sucks, even if it only lasts 24 hours. My boys recognize that I am having my rough day, and try not to take my crankiness personally. To be honest, they all kind of just try to stay out of my path. Can't blame them for that. Tomo

The Glam Domino effect...

I ordered a bunch of samples this week for my Stella & Dot biz. I am really excited to get them. When I get a Stella & Dot box, it is like getting a present, seriously. The jewels are business tools of course, but being that I am my own walking commercial, it behooves me to get glammed up to go about my daily business. So I'm sporting delicates to Mommy & Me, I'm sporting statement jewels to bible study, I'm Rocking something edgy to go meet a friend for coffee, it's awesome. The good news is, having to get "dressed" has gotten me out of my yoga pants rut. I was getting way to comfortable in yoga pants and flip flops. I always do my hair and make up, but now I have to wear a good top too, to show off the jewels. You can't wear an awesome top with sweats, so then I put on jeans, then opt for the boots over the flip flops. It is an awesome domino effect. Getting back to work has been good for me. I'm a mom yes, but I am also a woman

Good Times....

As two of my babies are entering the fun season of girls and rebellion (not yet, but I am anticipating the fun to come), I have to laugh at the weird season of life I am in. I spent an afternoon at Mommy & Me playing with puppets, singing Teensy Weensy Spider, and getting paint all over my outfit. It really is kind of comical. I have one son in high school, one soon to follow, one in elementary school, and one in pre -school. I don't know if I should be finding myself, seeking playdates , or studying up on college entrance requirements. Fortunately for me, I am not afraid of change. In fact, I have been accused of seeking out life complications when things seem too calm. I take on some huge challenge just when things start to get manageable . Some day this will make a really funny book. Oh, and tonight I had coffee with a friend and her gorgeous 17 year old daughter, and her beautiful 2 year old daughter-- like minds connect!

A step into Teenage-land

We are hitting a little growing up milestone with our 13 yr old. He has always been pretty independent. He is always happiest when he has a best friend, and is out and about, "hanging out" with friends. Believe it or not, sports has isolated him a little. Football has been a huge commitment, and is very time consuming, so for many of his friends, Jack has fallen off the radar a bit. They assume he can't come, because of sports. He gets a little sad when he has to hang out with us all of the time. I know he loves us, but he is that, "so what are we doing today", kid. I am not a run, here, run there, making plans kind of Mom. On the weekends, I love to do home projects, hang out with family, and take it easy. So we are at odds sometimes. One of our youth leaders at church, along with another kid in youth group, are working out three times a week after school. They invited Jack to join them. Now the youth leader is only like 19, so he is still immensel