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Showing posts from October, 2012

"No thanks" without guilt

Do you struggle with boundaries?  Saying no is hard.  Sometimes you even have to say no to things that you would enjoy doing, because you have other priorities.   I certainly haven't mastered this, but I am not bad at it.  I remember many years ago, when my oldest sons were still little.  I was working full-time at a Training Consulting firm, had a great job, and a boss who knew and trusted me.  That is where I learned that I could, and needed to set boundaries that were in line with my values and priorities.  It was tough.  No matter how understanding your boss is.... it is not cool to have to get up in the middle of a meeting to get to daycare on time to pick up your kids.  It wears thin on the boss, and they start to question your dedication to the job. When that happened in my career, I decided to chose my family.  I quit my job, gave up a really good income, and made a go of it at home.  I stayed home for 10 years, what a gift.  As a stay at home Mom, I got very involved in

Insane or Plump, pick one....

In my last "This one is for the girls" blog post, you got a big ol' dose of whining from me. Sorry about that, but....let me tell you, this mid 40's hormone thing has been rocking my world.  Good news on that front....well good and bad.  The good news is, when I finally went to the Dr. he was great.  He really seemed to get what I was experiencing--- for some reason that surprised me.  I guess I am not the first 45 year old woman who came to him thinking she was losing her cookies. The good news is, I am doing about a 1000 times better.  The bad news is, now that I am not calming my nerves with wine so often (which has a great side effect of killing my appetite)...... I am eating.  I feel like I am eating anything that is not nailed down.  I know I already look plenty "healthy" (voluptuous, pleasantly plump, full figured....what ever nice descriptor you prefer), but if I keep noshing at this pace, I am going to be as fat as Santa by Christmas.  I haven'

Mission Impossible

This was a CRAZY weekend.  There was so much going on around here.  I had two 6 year olds jacked up like Tasmanian Devils. I mean literally, running, and spinning, and yelling, and laughing, and screaming, and did I mention running. My two oldest guys had their homecoming football game, and homecoming dance.  They of course were going with different friends, in different directions.  My 6th grader had a Hockey game, then a birthday party on the other side of town.  And to top it all off it was the weekend of my little ones, Halloween Carnival at school.  My husband was out of town, but did get home to help with the late night pick ups Saturday night, thank goodness. I am not sure how, but it really didn't register in my brain, that Saturday- in particular-- was going to be mission impossible.  I am only one person, I can only drive one car at a time, and it didn't occur to me that I couldn't be in three places at once.  Until Saturday morning, around 7am, I was enjoying m