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Showing posts from December, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

There is nothing like a rainy Sunday afternoon. We are all home from church, belly's full from our lunch on the way home. The Ravens game on, Jeff and Jack, shouting at the TV. Me, I am curled up on my favorite couch, covered by a soft blanket, taking a lazy Sunday nap. I woke up and the game was over, wow, did I really sleep that long? No, it was a crummy game so they fast forwarded past the bad parts.  We had a great morning. Everyone got up on time, got dressed, and we got to church on time with minimal stress.  We lit the third Advent candle in service. Each of the boys had a speaking role, and they did great. Jeff is home from his business trip, and is trying to make up to all us for being gone for ten days. He made breakfast, took some of the boys to the mall for a while, didn't complain that he had to TiVo the game and watch it after is sweet. I don't want him to feel bad of course, but we are all really loving his undevided attention.  Drip drop,

Diversity is such a gift

I didn't grow up in the most diverse community. I kid you not when I say my exposure to different culture was mostly limited to the difference between White Lutherans, and White Catholics. I went to a Rock Church with a friends family once, and got scared s-less by a movie about end times. I knew one Jewish family, The Kornstiens, related by friendship. I didn't know a single openly gay person, and didn't give it much thought. Of course, in hind sight, there were gay people, but it wasn't something anyone talked about. College was eye opening. There were black people there. Not many, it was Kutztown PA after all, but  it was more diverse than anything I had experienced thus far. Wow, and many, many, Jewish people. I was fascinated by this. Jewish people were different, and interesting.  My parents have lived all over  the world, because of my Father's work. He brought home many things from Isreal, and the culture, and it's people intrigued me. I went through a

Believing isn't so hard

Why do I believe what I can't see?  That is a valid question. I get it from well intentioned people just trying to understand our differences I guess. I'll try to answer as best as I can. The college years especially, are a time of exploration.  We think in a less inhibited way.  We behave in a less inhibited way.  We ponder, and process, and get emotional about issues we think are important.  It is definitely an important step in the process of maturing.  I too, explored, pondered, got emotional, and was uninhibited. I remember especially being passionate about the right to a woman's choice.  I never took the idea of abortion lightly.  I held the hands of a few friends along the way, as they made that very difficult choice.  I praise God that I was never faced with that decision, I am not sure what I would have done at that stage of my life. I would like to think I would have chosen life, but I can't say for sure. I don't believe that abortion is the best optio

Christmas tickles the memory

MomMom Helen It seems like it takes for ever for the Christmas Season to come, then before you know it, BOOM!  You are in the middle of it, and behind schedule.  I have visions of parties, baking days, dinners with friends,   taking the kids to see Candy Cane Lane.... but somehow, if I am not very careful the season can come and go with out hitting the memory making stuff.   We have been to the mall to see Santa, couldn't get the whole crew there, but 4 out of 5 kids isn't bad.  We are having friends over for dinner this weekend, and working in a little cookie decorating, looking forward to that.  We are not hosting a party this year, that poses a little to much stress, so I thought we would do smaller gatherings of friends. It makes for better time together anyway. This morning was Nick and Victor's holiday performance at school.  It doesn't get much better than a bunch of precious Kinders dressed as presents, singing "Good Things come in Little Packages&q

Rhodes Boys Rule!

Last night we had our football banquet for my oldest boys.  The stories the coaches told about the boys, and the heartfelt thanks the seniors gave the coaches were amazing.  There wasn't a dry eye in the house.  I can't believe that will be us with a senior next year.  It is such a cool thing to watch these babies grow into men.  The growing pains can be tough, the teen behaviors can be trying, but all in all, I am pretty pleased with the young men William and Jack have become.  It is wonderful to hear other parents, and coaches tell me what gentlemen my boys are.  The highlight reel was fun to watch.  The attention typically leans toward the ball carriers, dodging, and sprinting to the end zone-- but there is nothing like watching my boys dominate on the line.  Jack's number 72, could be seen in most every play, plowing someone down.  William had a highlight where he was driving back three guys like the Blindside.  Makes me proud.  It is hard to believe they have such a

Christmas, Christmas, I LOVE Christmas!

Good Morning! Hope everyone is having a great day so far!  I have a busy, busy, one ahead.  First I have to fix my hair..... ok, so if you read yesterday, you know I decided to make a change because I am mucho bored with my look. Soooo, I decided to go auburn.  Well, yesterday I looked like a punk rocker Raggedy Ann doll.  It was fun, but not something I could live with everyday.  I decided to go darker, and I did....much darker.  So today, I will wash a few times, pray for a little fading, and figure out how to do make up with red hair.  So much for my hair adventures. All is good.  I am thrilled to have gotten both a Christmas Card, and a party invite from two separate neighbors yesterday.  What an awesome community Chatsworth Lake Manor is.  I love it here.  I have invited some friends over for a dinner/cookie making evening.  My husband comes home in 6 days, whoo hoo!  My sister is picking up more of the driving today, so I can look forward to about 2 less hours spent in my car t

Tuesday is a rollin'

Good Morning Friends! Hope your Tuesday is off to a fantastic start.  I have survived 3 whole days of single parenting without any major incidents.  I did however spend three hours in my car yesterday morning doing drop offs and ortho appointments....but no big snaffu's.  No one got left at school.  They got in three meals.  They were relatively clean, and I believe everyone brushed their teeth.  I would not swear to that one though.  VICTORY!! Today is off to a good start.  Everyone is at school.  I have managed to have coffee, and brush my teeth. Showering is on the schedule.  I have a ton of work to do too.  Oh, and I decided to dye my hair auburn.  I don't know why.  I just get an itch like this every now and then to do something different. I have been Platinum blonde (most of my life) but consistently for the last 4 years, and I am bored.  The color is on my head as we speak, so there is no turning back.  Wish me luck. December is rolling.  I have gotten a good deal of

December Chaos Rules the Day

Hello friends.  The holidays are upon us.  I love the lights, the music, the baking, the shopping, all of it. There is no denying however, that it does add a little extra chaos, into an already chaotic environment. What could possibly be causing chaos you ask?? know I have a big family, right? Well my incredible, well mannered, respectful, teenage boys, have been replaced by aliens.  They look like my sons, but these creatures roll their eyes, sigh at me like I am the stupidest human being who ever walked, grit their teeth- trying to control anger, occasionally tell me a lie-- right to my face, hmmm what else, there is a big list.  This has been a interesting development. My 12 year old angelic, mothers helper, has also starting to behave strangely.  He has developed an allergy to soap and water-- he hisses at the mention of a shower, he has begun dressing like a vagrant, and he has explosive fits of immature anger at his older brothers.  Again, he looks the same,