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Showing posts from June, 2016

Happy Wife, Happy Life

This small phrase is pure wisdom.  A Wife and Mother's state of mind, is hugely influential in the peace and happiness enjoyed in a family.  Just ask my husband of 22 years, lol. When I am in a groove where I am enjoying creative endeavors, doing enjoyable volunteer work, contributing to the families financial bottom line, and feeling happy and healthy----- we all win. In a houseful of boys, I feel like I am providing my sons with an education on living with Women.  We are beautiful loving creatures--but I don't know a single woman I like who doesn't have a bit of crazy mixed in.  Seriously, do you?? Not to alarm my feminist friends, but hey-- it is at least partially hormones.  It is biology. It makes our emotions go whack.  Hormones can heighten our emotional sensitivity creating virtual land mines for those around us.  Don't kid yourself, it happens to you too. We are not always easy to live with.  The same emotions that make us sometimes volatile, also make us g

Fragrance Stinks

Not long ago,  I was a LOVER of fragrance.  My husband enjoyed jaunts to Nordstrom to choose new fragrances for me each year. I would scan websites to find my fave, discontinued fragrances. I found perfume delightful. One day, I was at a Women's Retreat with friends, and I was introduced to my friends Mom.  She has severe reactions to fragrance.  As I went to greet her with a big hug, she stepped back and said " You smell like a french Cathouse!"  I chuckled, mildly insulted, but more amused.  I though she was just eccentric.  My fragrance was expensive, and lovely,  it was part of my personality.  Ask anyone, lol. In an effort to be considerate, I would forgo the perfume when I knew I would see them.  I didn't want to cause my friends Mom discomfort, as her allergies are severe. I got to know my friends Mom in the upcoming months, and she made an effort to share the real dangers of fragrance with me.  She shared her story, she gave me pamphlets to read.  She en

Taking off our blinders

In an effort to remove our blinders, lets take a challenge.  How many products do you use on your body every day?  I took the challenge, and I hit 21 products before my first cup of coffee.  I encourage you to do this yourself.  then take a look at the image below, to see how the products you are using are impacting your body.  Let's start the conversation. Add your results to the comments. #noway #seriously #ewwww #toxins #youmatter How many Products do you use each day? 

Open your eyes

I have been on a journey of awareness over the last few years. I met with a friend of mine a while back to who shared information about the products that we use  every single day--- and the toxic ingredients they have in them. I am not just talking about cleaning products, and and the scary stuff you find in processed foods. I am talking about the products you use on your infants, your children, yourself. I thought diet soda, and Fast food were the primary threats--- we eat organic vegetables, we clean with essential oils, we even make our own toothpaste and deodorant in our home-- but still we are exposed to a slew of ingredients linked to cancer and a host of other diseases. I have learned through this Ah-Ha moment, to become a label reader. Labeling in America is not trustworthy. "Natural", does not mean safe. "Fat Free" does not mean it won't make you fat. "sugar-free" does not mean healthy. We cannot trust the large personal products companies,