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Showing posts from January, 2014

Busy Brain

Do you ever experience the sensation of having a super busy brain? I do. My mom and I were chatting the other day and I found myself at a strange loss for words. Normally I can prattle on about what is going on around here. I found myself feeling like we are crazy busy, but I couldn't put my finger on excactly what was keeping us so busy.  Just life I guess.  The constant humm of schedules for 7 people tends to keep things running at a pretty frenetic pace most of the time. School for all Rugby for Nick Appointments left and right for Victor Youth group for Michael After-school and weekend workouts for William and Jack Teen social lives College prep Post grad school applications/interviews and that is just the kids!! Jeff and I try to fit lives in there too! We are people with interests.  We are involved in things.  We have jobs.  Wow, I need a nap just writing about it.  No wonder I am tired all of the time. Wouldn't trade it. I am just noting that if I run into yo

Happy 2014!

Ok, that sounds weird. 2014 sounds like something super sci-fi and spacey. Shouldn't our cars be flying like on the Jetsen's by now???  Well another year has passed, and while much has changed, much has stayed the same.  All of my children are FINALLY back at school, after a long winter break.  My husband and I are trying to get back in to our work-from-home groove. I am nurturing visions of organization, and windows of time to craft, dinners out with friends, and family lovely visions bump into pesky reality thoughts now and then, but I can still push them into the background of my mind.  I still have a little vacation happy haze going on in my brain. A new year really does make me think of areas in my life that need attention. You can get a glimpse of those areas by looking at my very exciting fantasy life, lol. (crafting, organizing, dinners with friends, vacations)  I am not dreaming of building estates in Malibu, I just want to stop stepping on lego'