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Happy 2014!

Ok, that sounds weird. 2014 sounds like something super sci-fi and spacey. Shouldn't our cars be flying like on the Jetsen's by now???  Well another year has passed, and while much has changed, much has stayed the same.  All of my children are FINALLY back at school, after a long winter break.  My husband and I are trying to get back in to our work-from-home groove. I am nurturing visions of organization, and windows of time to craft, dinners out with friends, and family lovely visions bump into pesky reality thoughts now and then, but I can still push them into the background of my mind.  I still have a little vacation happy haze going on in my brain.

A new year really does make me think of areas in my life that need attention. You can get a glimpse of those areas by looking at my very exciting fantasy life, lol. (crafting, organizing, dinners with friends, vacations)  I am not dreaming of building estates in Malibu, I just want to stop stepping on lego's, and have the physical & mental lack of clutter to create something now and again.  Fortunately, my husband  and I have similar goals.  We are working together to achieve some of these things.  Like God so often does, he brings you where he wants you, then he starts opening doors.

I have found in my own life, that when God wants me to hear something, and I am not getting it, he starts speaking to me in stereo.  Now before you start worrying that I am hearing voices, and have really lost it, let me explain.  What I mean by speaking in stereo, is that I hear the same message resonate repeatedly from different "speakers", in a short period of time.

So to tie it back to my goals for this year.  Many of my goals are really tied to discipline.  Holding myself, and my family members to a higher standard for everyone's good.

Stereo Speaker #1:  I went to a Women's breakfast Saturday, and our devotional was focused around some scripture about Martha & Mary, and was tied back to a book by one of my favorite Christian writers Elizabeth George.  Our speaker quoted from Elizabeth's book a poem that I love.

Good, better, best
Never let it rest,
Till your good is better,
and your better best.

She then gave real life examples of a situation where this is what good would look like, (ex: writing a card to someone ill), what better would look like (ex: calling that same person), what best would look like (ex: stopping by to visit, and pray with them)

Stereo Speaker #2: Next Day I heard a fantastic message focused around Jesus wreaking havoc in the temple during Passover, flipping furniture, and being angry etc.. and why that happened. The message was tied back to our every day "C's get degree's" kind of life philosophy.  If we do just enough to get C's, we are not giving our best.  God deserves more than C effort from us.

I am sure I will hear something else soon, it always seems to go that way.  The point is, I believe that God is trying to light a fire under my buttocks.  I can do better than good, I owe God my best.   I am capable. I just have to get my priorities back in order.


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