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Showing posts from 2012

Sunday, Sunday

There is nothing like a rainy Sunday afternoon. We are all home from church, belly's full from our lunch on the way home. The Ravens game on, Jeff and Jack, shouting at the TV. Me, I am curled up on my favorite couch, covered by a soft blanket, taking a lazy Sunday nap. I woke up and the game was over, wow, did I really sleep that long? No, it was a crummy game so they fast forwarded past the bad parts.  We had a great morning. Everyone got up on time, got dressed, and we got to church on time with minimal stress.  We lit the third Advent candle in service. Each of the boys had a speaking role, and they did great. Jeff is home from his business trip, and is trying to make up to all us for being gone for ten days. He made breakfast, took some of the boys to the mall for a while, didn't complain that he had to TiVo the game and watch it after is sweet. I don't want him to feel bad of course, but we are all really loving his undevided attention.  Drip drop,

Diversity is such a gift

I didn't grow up in the most diverse community. I kid you not when I say my exposure to different culture was mostly limited to the difference between White Lutherans, and White Catholics. I went to a Rock Church with a friends family once, and got scared s-less by a movie about end times. I knew one Jewish family, The Kornstiens, related by friendship. I didn't know a single openly gay person, and didn't give it much thought. Of course, in hind sight, there were gay people, but it wasn't something anyone talked about. College was eye opening. There were black people there. Not many, it was Kutztown PA after all, but  it was more diverse than anything I had experienced thus far. Wow, and many, many, Jewish people. I was fascinated by this. Jewish people were different, and interesting.  My parents have lived all over  the world, because of my Father's work. He brought home many things from Isreal, and the culture, and it's people intrigued me. I went through a

Believing isn't so hard

Why do I believe what I can't see?  That is a valid question. I get it from well intentioned people just trying to understand our differences I guess. I'll try to answer as best as I can. The college years especially, are a time of exploration.  We think in a less inhibited way.  We behave in a less inhibited way.  We ponder, and process, and get emotional about issues we think are important.  It is definitely an important step in the process of maturing.  I too, explored, pondered, got emotional, and was uninhibited. I remember especially being passionate about the right to a woman's choice.  I never took the idea of abortion lightly.  I held the hands of a few friends along the way, as they made that very difficult choice.  I praise God that I was never faced with that decision, I am not sure what I would have done at that stage of my life. I would like to think I would have chosen life, but I can't say for sure. I don't believe that abortion is the best optio

Christmas tickles the memory

MomMom Helen It seems like it takes for ever for the Christmas Season to come, then before you know it, BOOM!  You are in the middle of it, and behind schedule.  I have visions of parties, baking days, dinners with friends,   taking the kids to see Candy Cane Lane.... but somehow, if I am not very careful the season can come and go with out hitting the memory making stuff.   We have been to the mall to see Santa, couldn't get the whole crew there, but 4 out of 5 kids isn't bad.  We are having friends over for dinner this weekend, and working in a little cookie decorating, looking forward to that.  We are not hosting a party this year, that poses a little to much stress, so I thought we would do smaller gatherings of friends. It makes for better time together anyway. This morning was Nick and Victor's holiday performance at school.  It doesn't get much better than a bunch of precious Kinders dressed as presents, singing "Good Things come in Little Packages&q

Rhodes Boys Rule!

Last night we had our football banquet for my oldest boys.  The stories the coaches told about the boys, and the heartfelt thanks the seniors gave the coaches were amazing.  There wasn't a dry eye in the house.  I can't believe that will be us with a senior next year.  It is such a cool thing to watch these babies grow into men.  The growing pains can be tough, the teen behaviors can be trying, but all in all, I am pretty pleased with the young men William and Jack have become.  It is wonderful to hear other parents, and coaches tell me what gentlemen my boys are.  The highlight reel was fun to watch.  The attention typically leans toward the ball carriers, dodging, and sprinting to the end zone-- but there is nothing like watching my boys dominate on the line.  Jack's number 72, could be seen in most every play, plowing someone down.  William had a highlight where he was driving back three guys like the Blindside.  Makes me proud.  It is hard to believe they have such a

Christmas, Christmas, I LOVE Christmas!

Good Morning! Hope everyone is having a great day so far!  I have a busy, busy, one ahead.  First I have to fix my hair..... ok, so if you read yesterday, you know I decided to make a change because I am mucho bored with my look. Soooo, I decided to go auburn.  Well, yesterday I looked like a punk rocker Raggedy Ann doll.  It was fun, but not something I could live with everyday.  I decided to go darker, and I did....much darker.  So today, I will wash a few times, pray for a little fading, and figure out how to do make up with red hair.  So much for my hair adventures. All is good.  I am thrilled to have gotten both a Christmas Card, and a party invite from two separate neighbors yesterday.  What an awesome community Chatsworth Lake Manor is.  I love it here.  I have invited some friends over for a dinner/cookie making evening.  My husband comes home in 6 days, whoo hoo!  My sister is picking up more of the driving today, so I can look forward to about 2 less hours spent in my car t

Tuesday is a rollin'

Good Morning Friends! Hope your Tuesday is off to a fantastic start.  I have survived 3 whole days of single parenting without any major incidents.  I did however spend three hours in my car yesterday morning doing drop offs and ortho appointments....but no big snaffu's.  No one got left at school.  They got in three meals.  They were relatively clean, and I believe everyone brushed their teeth.  I would not swear to that one though.  VICTORY!! Today is off to a good start.  Everyone is at school.  I have managed to have coffee, and brush my teeth. Showering is on the schedule.  I have a ton of work to do too.  Oh, and I decided to dye my hair auburn.  I don't know why.  I just get an itch like this every now and then to do something different. I have been Platinum blonde (most of my life) but consistently for the last 4 years, and I am bored.  The color is on my head as we speak, so there is no turning back.  Wish me luck. December is rolling.  I have gotten a good deal of

December Chaos Rules the Day

Hello friends.  The holidays are upon us.  I love the lights, the music, the baking, the shopping, all of it. There is no denying however, that it does add a little extra chaos, into an already chaotic environment. What could possibly be causing chaos you ask?? know I have a big family, right? Well my incredible, well mannered, respectful, teenage boys, have been replaced by aliens.  They look like my sons, but these creatures roll their eyes, sigh at me like I am the stupidest human being who ever walked, grit their teeth- trying to control anger, occasionally tell me a lie-- right to my face, hmmm what else, there is a big list.  This has been a interesting development. My 12 year old angelic, mothers helper, has also starting to behave strangely.  He has developed an allergy to soap and water-- he hisses at the mention of a shower, he has begun dressing like a vagrant, and he has explosive fits of immature anger at his older brothers.  Again, he looks the same,

Gratitude in spades

What a great weekend.  It followed a tough week. My Mom was sick, a fluke thing, that knocked her on her butt, and gave us all a scare.  She is on the mend, and doing much better.  I have an awful lot to be thankful for.  I am really grateful to have a sister who is a medical professional.  It makes such a difference, when someone you love is in the hospital, to have someone who can, and will garner professional courtesies on your behalf.  I can't tell you how many times my sis has saved my butt in the ER.  She was there for Mom last week, and boy oh boy, did that make a difference. I am also incredibly grateful for my Brother-in-law, who thought nothing of driving us 8 hours to Arizona, to get to Mom as quickly as we could.   I am super grateful for my husband, who without hesitation, planning, or notice, took on all 5 kids, and their schedules, for the whole weekend, without giving me a moment of guilt.  That Brenda Thorn raised two incredible sons, and by the grace of God, my

Why do I write this looney blog anyway???

I sometimes wonder what people think about all the goofy stuff I put on this blog. "Why on earth does she share this stuff with the world????"  Well, that is a reasonable question.  There are a couple of reasons. 1) I am on a quest to be more vulnerable.  I want people to know that I am human, that like everyone else, I have good days, and crummy days, and lots of struggles.  I share them because, I feel like, maybe if I allow myself to be vulnerable, maybe it will help someone else with a similar struggle reach out to someone they trust. 2) I would like to be more approachable. My experience has been, that when people connect with you on facebook, or read my blog, they are more apt to come up and say hello.  I like that.  Meeting people in my community is cool, and I am not always very approachable-- hurried, screaming kids, etc... 3) I want a place to store all of these goofy life stories.  I wouldn't necessarily write them down in a journal, I can't stick the

Tis the season, for saying Thanks

This is a month, when we pause, we take a look at our lives, and express thanks.  We don't do this often enough, and we sometimes don't look at the little things.  I am going to look at things through a different lens of gratitude this morning.... I am thankful for..... The seasons when we had so little money, because we have learned to be disciplined, and to not take times of plenty for granted. The times when I was in pain, and struggling physically, because I don't let a painfree day go by without thanking God for it. For the really difficult moments in life....because the people who truly love you unconditionally, shine so bright in those moments. For a husband that works a regular job, even though he hates it, because he takes his role as provider dead dog serious. (but I love even more, that he pursues his creative ventures too, because that is what keeps the twinkle in his eye) For my children, on good days and bad, because on their worst day, I wouldn

The Sky is Blue

I want to thank all of you who lift my family up in prayer.  I thank all of you who give us encouragement.  I try really hard to see the cup 1/2 full, and most days I do.  I was feeling a little down last night, but today is a new day.  Blue skies remind me of how much I am loved.  Have an awesome day friends. And.....on a side note.... Go Viewpoint Patriots!!! We are in the playoffs! Wooo Hoooooo!

Foster Parenting journey, part ??

I am not sure if I will end up posting this or not, because I am writing it with a very, very, heavy heart.  Foster Parenting is a tough gig, on many levels.  The toughest of all, is having no control.  Our family, and I mean every single one of us, has been pouring into our little guy Victor, since he joined our family in April.  We have loved him, disciplined him, taught him, laughed with him, been amazed by him, and hurt for him. He and his siblings have had an incredibly tough start in this world.  He has endured things, I wouldn't wish on anyone.  Despite the trauma he has experienced, he has been coming around.  He is starting to really trust, to be comfortable, to give genuine affection, to allow us to love him back.  I can really see light at the end of the tunnel for this guy.  My children have unquestioningly-- adopted him in their hearts as a brother.  They love him.  Michael is especially attached to him, he defends him fiercely, when Victor acts out. I have no idea

Mommy Sick Day

Raise your hand if you ever feel like you need a "Mommy sick day"?  Not one where you are REALLY sick, just a day when you get to....... Check out a little mentally, read a book, watch mindless TV, take a nap, eat cookies.... you get it. I occasionally need, ( that is NEED) a day, when I don't have to... Drop off or pick up at school--- Run to the store at the last minute -because someone volunteered to bring breakfast for his 1st period class, -or someone needs candy to give his cheer sister, -or someone needs poster board to do a project that is due tomorrow. Stare at the freezer wondering what on earth to make for dinner. Answer every "MOOOOOOM he's bugging me", or "WHAAAAAAA I'm telling MOM!!" Sometimes you just want to chill, with a glass of wine, a bag of potato chips, and a little Days of our Lives---- you feel me? Hmmmm, I wonder what a girls got to do to get one of those on the calendar.

Giving Thanks for Another Day

Watching the election coverage last night was exciting, if a little disappointing for me.  I marvel at how differently people see things, but that is life.  We see things through our own filters, which are shaped by life experience, education, economics, and tons of other things.  So I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how varied peoples views are. I expected to feel a little bummed today, but I don't. I feel like ok, I did my part.  I voted my conscience, I kept up on the issues, I didn't openly criticize people who attacked conservative opinions.  I took the loss like a Woman.  Ultimately, that is all we can do anyway.  We live in the most amazing country, with freedoms and privileges like no other. Even having the right to voice a differing opinion is an incredible gift in comparison to the oppression other people in the world suffer. Do I have concerns about the future of those freedoms? Yes, I do. But I know that regardless of what man is holding the reins of this co

And she SCORES!!!!

I realize many of you don't buy into the whole couponing idea. I however, am allergic to paying full price, FOR ANYTHING, seriously. I hate it. So after watching a few episodes of "Extreme Couponing" then seeing a few inspiring FB posts from my girl Amber.... I was like....I can do that!!!! Now some of you may have seen that show, and associate it with hoarding, I get that. When a teenage boy is buying tampons, or someone with no cat is buying cat food--- just because it is free, that does seem kind of weird. Ok, I agree, unless of course they are giving it to someone who could use it. Couponing does take effort,  and time to prep, no getting around it....but I can't explain how cool it is to walk out of a store with two overflowing carts for say.. $200. I am not doing 8 transactions and getting $1200 of groceries for 75 cents like those coupon masters on the show, but hey, saving 50-60% off of my grocery bill is pretty sweet. You can even do well with minimal effor

The Koosh life....

All of my boys sans babies sitting around watching movies. First we watched Avengers, now an old Star Trek Flick. It is so cool when they don't hide in their rooms. Today the oldest boys shoveled pepper tree debris, to clean up the yard. You would think they were in a juvenile prison camp. I of course couldn't help recounting childhood stories of stacking firewood in the dead of winter, scrubbing the bathroom every week, walking miles to the bus stop in weather so cold the snot froze in our noses, weeding the garden. Their reply to my reminiscing was.... "Did you get up at 5am to milk the cows too?,  " did you have to trade produce for eggs?". I could have said no, but I knew people who did--- but I don't think they would have believed me. What a kooshy life they live. They have no clue what life was like before wifi, satellite TV, Pandora, cell phones, and IPads. They really can't imagine how we survived. Heck, we couldn't even get cable where I li

Boys to Men

Alright, so the day has come. My boys, William and Jack, are officially teenagers.  I know, I know, they both hit 13 years ago, but they weren't very "teenager-y" until just recently.  Yeah.... I am not really ready for this.  They are great kids, both are smart, and pretty responsible.  I trust them.  I have never hidden or left unexpressed, my feelings about teen sex, alcohol consumption, or drug use.  They definitely know where I stand on those issues. Here is my quandary. While it was a long time ago, I do remember my own teenage years.  I remember the  temptations I faced, and the choices I made.  I was a great kid too, smart, nice, polite. You get where I am going with this.  I don't want my boys to make choices that could put them in danger, any kind of danger, physical, emotional, spiritual, or legal.  I know you can't protect your kids from everything.  There comes a point when you have to trust that they will remember what you have taught them, an

"No thanks" without guilt

Do you struggle with boundaries?  Saying no is hard.  Sometimes you even have to say no to things that you would enjoy doing, because you have other priorities.   I certainly haven't mastered this, but I am not bad at it.  I remember many years ago, when my oldest sons were still little.  I was working full-time at a Training Consulting firm, had a great job, and a boss who knew and trusted me.  That is where I learned that I could, and needed to set boundaries that were in line with my values and priorities.  It was tough.  No matter how understanding your boss is.... it is not cool to have to get up in the middle of a meeting to get to daycare on time to pick up your kids.  It wears thin on the boss, and they start to question your dedication to the job. When that happened in my career, I decided to chose my family.  I quit my job, gave up a really good income, and made a go of it at home.  I stayed home for 10 years, what a gift.  As a stay at home Mom, I got very involved in

Insane or Plump, pick one....

In my last "This one is for the girls" blog post, you got a big ol' dose of whining from me. Sorry about that, but....let me tell you, this mid 40's hormone thing has been rocking my world.  Good news on that front....well good and bad.  The good news is, when I finally went to the Dr. he was great.  He really seemed to get what I was experiencing--- for some reason that surprised me.  I guess I am not the first 45 year old woman who came to him thinking she was losing her cookies. The good news is, I am doing about a 1000 times better.  The bad news is, now that I am not calming my nerves with wine so often (which has a great side effect of killing my appetite)...... I am eating.  I feel like I am eating anything that is not nailed down.  I know I already look plenty "healthy" (voluptuous, pleasantly plump, full figured....what ever nice descriptor you prefer), but if I keep noshing at this pace, I am going to be as fat as Santa by Christmas.  I haven'

Mission Impossible

This was a CRAZY weekend.  There was so much going on around here.  I had two 6 year olds jacked up like Tasmanian Devils. I mean literally, running, and spinning, and yelling, and laughing, and screaming, and did I mention running. My two oldest guys had their homecoming football game, and homecoming dance.  They of course were going with different friends, in different directions.  My 6th grader had a Hockey game, then a birthday party on the other side of town.  And to top it all off it was the weekend of my little ones, Halloween Carnival at school.  My husband was out of town, but did get home to help with the late night pick ups Saturday night, thank goodness. I am not sure how, but it really didn't register in my brain, that Saturday- in particular-- was going to be mission impossible.  I am only one person, I can only drive one car at a time, and it didn't occur to me that I couldn't be in three places at once.  Until Saturday morning, around 7am, I was enjoying m

The perks of Work

How many of you have jobs, or situations that you absolutely love?  The perfect job, a career that you are still excited to wake up to every day.  How many of you left the workforce to raise your kids, and miss working, even just a smidge. Go on, you can admit it.  While I think most women enjoy the freedom that staying home affords you, being able to volunteer at school, go on field trips, make dinner (instead of picking it up on the way home from work).... I think it is fair to say that there are perks to working that we miss. Let's explore that for a minute. Ok, I'll say it first (even though I know you are thinking it)--- It is nice to have some guilt free, legitimate, time away from my children. When I am working I can have someone help clean the house, and I don't feel guilty. When I am working, I don't have to say NO every time the boys want/need something, and if I say NO, it is because they really don't need it, not because we are financially stretc

Foster Care & Adoption thoughts

This morning I was listening to talk radio, and the focus was on the topic of foster care and adoption.  This is a topic that has engaged me for many years.  I am not one to quote scripture, I am pretty new to the whole reading and understanding the Bible thing.   I do however find more and more that this big "complicated book", is really a very simple manual for life.  It really isn't complicated, God is pretty clear about what he expects from us. Something that really resonates with me, is this: James1:19, 22-24 "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like." My point is, knowing what God wa

This one is for the girls...

I believe most of those who read my posts are women, but warning, if you are a man, you may want to pass on this one. Ok ladies, I have to take a little time to discuss the maddening side effects of female hormones. They have always caused me trouble.  And by trouble I mean...... MIGRAINE HEADACHES DOUBLED OVER IN PAIN CRAMPING MOOD SWINGS SUPER NASTINESS.... the b word would be very descriptive here, but I will refrain. Let's just say I can be meaner than a snake. EXTREME TIREDNESS -- this precedes the monster migraine. THE sad.  Everything is horrible.  My life is a mess. I am a sucky parent, wife, sister, daughter. Blah, Blah, Blah I don't know how it works for everyone else, but for me it is like clockwork.  "Wow, I am being a real B today......oh, it is the 15th." "I am a failure! How are we ever going to get out of this mess?? My husband just doesn't understand me.... why doesn't ANYONE GIVE AN S ABOUT MY FEELINGS???&q

Fall Fun and Mamma Drama

Much going on here, as usual.  Michael's team won their first football game of the season, yeah!  William and Jack are getting into a good groove with football, lost their first game, but all in all they both played well.  They start school next week.  The little guys are getting adjusted to their routine.  Nick is loving K (again), he is in just the right place.  He is with kids who are his own age this year, and he is much more ready for K, than he was last year.   Victor is adjusting too, he is struggling a bit with behavioral stuff, but he is just going through something all around home & school, he'll get there. I am feeling ready for all the fun of fall.  I have limited my volunteering a little to give me more time to work.  I love this season, I love football, and cold weather (ha! cooler anyway), I love the holidays. I am trying hard to not get too involved at school, because I was soooo stretched last year, I really need to keep a better handle on my time. Th

I see the sun peeking through the clouds!

Testing comes in many forms.  I felt pulled into my role as a foster parent.  Not by the agency, the child, or anyone else, but by my God.  He gave me a heart for lost ones.  He is now calling me to be stronger than I thought I could be.  To be patient when I want to scream.  To smile when I want to cry. To hug, when I want to lock myself in a room.  He is calling me to stretch, to learn, to humble myself.  He is teaching me to lean on him, to reach out to my sisters in Christ for support, but to stand in the gap for this child no matter how I am feeling. Who knew it would be so hard some days, not I.  I have always been kind of a cliff jumper, not literally, that idea scares me to death, but figuratively. Change is exciting not scary.  Some people call it fearlessness, some people call it stupidity.  I guess it depends on your perspective.  I can see merits to both sides of that argument. Some days I feel fearless, and lots of days I feel stupid.  It boils down to this for me.  I am

Politics & Religion.....who knew it was dangerous to have an opinion?

Being conservative in a super liberal place like LA, is no easy road to walk.  I think that many people who live in metropolitan areas like LA, really believe that they are walking with the enlightened majority.  Sadly, I think many really believe that if you are conservative, you are living in the dark ages, or you must harbor hate for those with different lifestyles. This is a big country, and while some speak louder than others, it doesn't make them "right".  There is  a whole lot of United States of America, between NYC and Los Angeles, and people do not all share the same outlook on life. My husband and I were talking the other day, about a time in America, when it was ok to have difference of opinion.  When voicing your thoughts on an issue, may have made for a heated dinner discussion, but it didn't turn in to the ugliness that it does today. The name calling, the fear, and hate, and pushing around, that happens today.... is counter productive, and very bul

Control like perfection is over rated, Surrender is sweeter.

I got baptized yesterday, in the icy Pacific Ocean!  It was incredible.  Baptism is one of those things that I have known for a long time that I "should" do.  I have been walking with the Lord for years now, and   the public declaration of baptism, is part of the walk.  Something in my spirit cringes at being told what to do.  I have always had a rebellious spirit.  I have always cringed at authority (unless of course they were in agreement with what I wanted to do anyway). This was the last thing, that I was holding on to.  I am so glad I did.  I didn't expect the elation and joy I felt.  It was an incredible surprise!  Having friends who love me, and support me in my walk every day, were there cheering for me, it was awesome.

Our Foster Parenting journey, part 2

I don't think we really understood what we were walking in to.  My heart was heavy, I was feeling led to act on behalf of this child.  His story is not a happy one, and his future held (and still holds) many unknowns.  Jeff and I felt that we had an opportunity to intercede for him.  Our hope was that we could give him safety, security, a loving family environment, and discipline, for what ever amount of time that God would allow. In the beginning we really thought that he would be joining our family forever, but we knew there was a chance that it wouldn't work out that way.  When you are dealing with the government, and the Social Welfare system, you are truly in a powerless position.  What is best for the child is determined by a set of guidelines, and the discernment of a judge, and unfortunately those guidelines are influenced by many factors that have very little to do with the child's best interest. I came into this Foster Parent role feeling very prepared.  After a

An East Coast girls first impression of LA Life

Living in Southern California is not typical Americana.  In fact, it is a bubble unto itself.  My children don't really know much else. The older ones have memories of Maryland, and certainly enjoy visits back east, but for all intents and purposes, they are SoCal boys.  We have been here for 9 years now. I will never forget the first few months here.  The shock of all of the excess. Being a "housewife" in our neighborhood was the norm, not the exception.  Only "housewife" here meant, "I don't work, I lunch, and shop, and have someone to clean my house, and another person to take care of my kids".  Mom's wear designer clothing and high heels to volunteer at school.  The carpool drop off line is a parade of luxury cars.  I'll never forget seeing two kindergartners dropped off in a Rolls.  I wondered if she had Pop Tarts squashed between the cushions in the back seat like I did. I remember walking my kids to school, wearing running shoes,

Our Foster Parenting journey, part 1

I guess I should start by saying, we never set out to be foster parents.  Jeff and I both have a heart for kids who were dealt a bad hand.  Kids who parents do not, or can not, love, provide, and keep them safe. We adopted our son Nicholas from the foster care system.  We got certified as a fost/adopt family, with the intention of adopting a child currently in the system. That was the plan, but "best laid plans....". Nicholas was a gift from heaven.  Just born, just two days old.  His birth mom relinquished her rights at the hospital.  While the legal process was long, Nicholas was ours from the very beginning. We have loved him, nurtured him, and disciplined him since his very first days. He has been a blessing to us since day one. We are foster parents again, and this time is much different.  Our newest little guy was in the system, in foster care.  We knew him through a friend.  My heart was drawn to this kid right away.  I felt compelled to advocate for him.  I felt di

New Home, same madness

I sit here trying to nail down a post idea.  I haven't written for so long, I feel like, wow! There is a lot to catch up on.  One thing that hasn't changed is Rhodes House madness. We moved in June.  We were in a california, mid century rancher, with a HUGE pool, in Woodland Hills.  We all loved that house. It was great for entertaining, great location, lots of concrete for skateboarding, playing hockey, and bouncing balls.....but, we were leasing it, and we didn't want to buy it (it was old, and in desperate need of updates & repairs, and it was overpriced) so..... we decided to move. I didn't think we would ever find the right house.  Amazingly, as things often work, the perfect house for us was out there.  Well perfect, except for the fact that it has no pool.  It is much bigger, has amazing character, is new and lovely. I have always wanted a house that looked like a Mill or a barn, I just didn't expect to find it in the San Fernando Valley.  Who knew???

Hello old friend

I haven't touched this blog in a really long time. I haven't had much time for reflection.  It has been a year of change, and lots of it.  I went back to work this year.  I hadn't worked professionally since before our move to Los Angeles.  I have tried many "business opportunities" along the way in an effort to earn an income, and be home and available to my family as much as possible....and well, let's just say, I had little success. What ever it is that makes a person successful running a home based business, I do not have "it". So, I went back to my "roots", Training development and facilitation. Having been out of the business for a decade, my development skills were very outdated.  Software changes, the way training is done has changed, much of it being converted to self paced or webinar models vs. traditional classroom training.  I couldn't even find my writing samples. For heaven's sake, they were on floppy disc's some

Sunny Days

Some days I just wake up full of hope, and energy, and am excited about all life holds for us. Today is one of those days. I don't know why I feel that way, nothing is different from yesterday. The sun feels a little warmer, more people seem to be smiling, perhaps my imagination, maybe not. Tuesday is a super busy day for us, lot's of activities, practices, etc... --- so today is a good day to be filled with optimism, it will help me get through the tougher moments between 3-6pm. Driving, homework, dinner prep, more driving, all that good stuff. Thank you Lord for days like today, when my normal load, feels light. I appreciate the energy, the warmth, and the smiles. Amen

How I came to know Him

I am helping to prepare a baby shower for a young woman at our church. She is young, just 22. Thinking about her, and what the future may hold for her and her little family, got me to thinking about life at 22. Much has changed for me since I was 22. That was really a difficult time. I didn't realize at the time that it was difficult. I had graduated from college, was having a post college, pre-real life, super good time. I was bar tending, partying, picking up and traveling to far away places to party some more. I didn't really have much in the way of financial responsibility yet, and my parents were living in Egypt-- leaving me in charge of the house and my younger sister. It was an "out all night, sleep all day", kind of life. To be honest, I was setting a pretty poor example for my sister, who at the time was working full-time at a nursing home, and was far more responsible than I was. Looking back at that time, and even later, till about age 25, it make

Rhodes Hospitality

2012 is here. All of the planning, and cooking, and wrapping, then poof, the Christmas season is over. The weather is strangely warm and things are slowly getting back to normal. Normal here, means kids going in different directions, lots of driving, Jeff charged up about a creative venture, me trying to keep up with everyone-- while actively seeking ways to complicate life. That is what I do you know, I get things running nice and smooth, everyone happy, things under control, THEN I SHAKE IT ALL UP! My mother called me out on that behavior years ago. Of course I denied it then, but I can't help but admit it at this point. The evidence is overwhelming. Have three boys and a home, sell it! Move to LA! Managing three boys, adopt a fourth, finally get in a house and get in a groove, get a dog, add a whole bunch of volunteer responsibility in there, launch a business or two, get everyone in school, get a job-- that requires travel, get another dog.... why not??? I can handle it