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The Koosh life....

All of my boys sans babies sitting around watching movies. First we watched Avengers, now an old Star Trek Flick. It is so cool when they don't hide in their rooms. Today the oldest boys shoveled pepper tree debris, to clean up the yard. You would think they were in a juvenile prison camp. I of course couldn't help recounting childhood stories of stacking firewood in the dead of winter, scrubbing the bathroom every week, walking miles to the bus stop in weather so cold the snot froze in our noses, weeding the garden. Their reply to my reminiscing was.... "Did you get up at 5am to milk the cows too?,  " did you have to trade produce for eggs?". I could have said no, but I knew people who did--- but I don't think they would have believed me. What a kooshy life they live. They have no clue what life was like before wifi, satellite TV, Pandora, cell phones, and IPads. They really can't imagine how we survived. Heck, we couldn't even get cable where I lived. I stayed up late every Friday night, to watch Friday Night Videos, because we had no MTV. Guess what, I felt like I was living a pretty privileged life. I am sure I never thanked my Mom & Dad. I know I whined plenty when I couldn't get Jordache Jeans, or new Nikes, but I knew I was living a good life. My boys get it too.... But the whole labor thing...they don't really get that. Oh we'll, I'll have to think of more chores to desensitize them a little, lol.


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