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New season of renewal & refinement

I am a girl with strong faith.  Strong, blind, childlike faith.  My atheist friends are bewildered by it.  They cannot understand how such a smart woman would believe such "nonsense".  I have no explanation other than, I just do.

I preface this post with that statement because, you won't find me quoting scripture here.  Though I would if I were more confident in my ability to do so competently.  I do not have that confidence, never have.  I am a believer.  My belief has been nurtured by life experience, by answered prayers, by constant evidence that God cares about me.  I see his hand in big things and small. I look to him for guidance and help in all things.  I am not a Biblical scholar.  I have always been somewhat insecure about that.  I am bolstered up by the words of a Godly woman much wiser than I who assures me that "I am living my walk out loud".  My faith is not in my knowledge of the scripture, but in the choices I make each and every day.

I have noted marked seasons in my life.  We all have them, we just may look at them in another way.  We may note them as good chapters, bad decades, good times or bad. Our family just wound up a long season of West coast living. With two kids in college, one a senior in high school, it seemed the right time to enter a season of slower living.  We aren't old.  We still have tweens.  We are just weary of the pace of Los Angeles. One needs to work really hard to maintain a life there, it is very expensive.  We want to live more and work less. Well, at least work at things that bring us more fulfillment than our jobs do. We work to afford life, then have no time or energy to live it-- rushing from one commitment to another.  We end up two ships passing one another as a couple, just getting things done.  We needed to slow down the pace.  We did. We packed up and moved to a small West Virginia town called Brandywine.  It is a very different environment.

One that feeds our souls with bird song, and rain drops.  We are greeted by caring, helpful neighbors bearing gifts and companionship.  This is exactly what I needed, exactly when I was ready to receive it. Does my Lord know me or what?  He provided the opportunity to completely change our lives, just when our weary souls were yearning for change.  Again, faith that the Lord provides, he loves us. He sets things in motion, opens doors to opportunity, clears the dirt out of the path. He opened the door to a season of renewal and refinement.  Thanks Lord.


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