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Season of renewal

The first few weeks of this new life chapter has been a bit different than I envisioned. Moving in and getting settled has been a much slower process, as I am unable to help-- at all. I unpack a few token boxes now and then to feel useful, but the burden has been on Jeff to get us settled. I am surrounded by incredible beauty, bird song, and lovely cool breezes-- no disappointment there. I enjoy them primarily from the inside of our home, sitting in my wheelchair, which I won't deny is a bummer. I watch my son from my window each day as he runs up our country lane after getting off the school bus. He is happy, really happy. He has made friends, and is chatting each evening with them, he seems to enjoy school, and best of all he is getting face to face time with his grandparents each day. Jeff is in homeowner glory, breaking out power tools, fixing things, building things-- learning from my father in law--- spending daily time with his Mom, which is again, the best part of all of this. I am feeling loved and cherished as my husband and in-laws care for me like a princess. I want for nothing. Jeff cares for my every need without a hint of resentment at the extra burden my injury has placed on him. He cooks, he cleans, he makes Nick's lunches, he works, he does everything around the house--- and no exaggeration-- he is so happy, he practically whistles as he works. This was the right move, of that I am certain. I do believe that this suffering is serving a purpose. Our marriage is being refined in this season. Jeff is speaking his love language of acts of service loud and clear-- and I am feeling so loved. I am exercising my weaker muscles of letting go of control, allowing others to help me, and being quietly respectful when I disagree--- which in turn makes my husband feel loved, appreciated and respected. Of course I wish God had chosen a less painful way to teach us this incredibly valuable and timely life lesson--- but the lesson is appreciated just the same. In the end we will be stronger. Blessings come in all kinds of unexpected forms. #blessed #countrylife #greenacres #refined#happyhusband #happywife


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