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Rough trip

So as most of you know our journey to the East coast got a bit tripped up in Oklahoma City. Half way through he journey I managed to slip on ice while walking Murphy the dog--- and busted up my leg. That changed everything. We both had a week off scheduled to unpack and get settled. That week off turned into a week of Dr. appointments, making our home handicap accessible, and my incredible husband doing everything around the house plus taking care of my every need. Not e xactly the plan. We are getting settled in, just much more slowly. I want to talk for a moment about things that are amazing. The fact that we are surrounded by the most incredible beauty in every direction is AMAZING! Hearing rain pound on the roof all night is AMAZING! Having a family who love me so much, and take such great care of me is AMAZING! Having a job that I can do with my leg propped up on a bed is AMAZING! Jeff Rhodes is AMAZING! Week two of WV life commences! I hope you are seeing blue s...
Recent posts

New season of renewal & refinement

I am a girl with strong faith.  Strong, blind, childlike faith.  My atheist friends are bewildered by it.  They cannot understand how such a smart woman would believe such "nonsense".  I have no explanation other than, I just do. I preface this post with that statement because, you won't find me quoting scripture here.  Though I would if I were more confident in my ability to do so competently.  I do not have that confidence, never have.  I am a believer.  My belief has been nurtured by life experience, by answered prayers, by constant evidence that God cares about me.  I see his hand in big things and small. I look to him for guidance and help in all things.  I am not a Biblical scholar.  I have always been somewhat insecure about that.  I am bolstered up by the words of a Godly woman much wiser than I who assures me that "I am living my walk out loud".  My faith is not in my knowledge of the scripture, but in the...

Seeing blue skies through the clouds

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Farewell lovely California

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Season of renewal

The first few weeks of this new life chapter has been a bit different than I envisioned. Moving in and getting settled has been a much slower process, as I am unable to help-- at all. I unpack a few token boxes now and then to feel useful, but the burden has been on Jeff to get us settled. I am surrounded by incredible beauty, bird song, and lovely cool breezes-- no disappointment there. I enjoy them primarily from the inside of our home, sitting in my wheelchair, which I  won't deny is a bummer. I watch my son from my window each day as he runs up our country lane after getting off the school bus. He is happy, really happy. He has made friends, and is chatting each evening with them, he seems to enjoy school, and best of all he is getting face to face time with his grandparents each day. Jeff is in homeowner glory, breaking out power tools, fixing things, building things-- learning from my father in law--- spending daily time with his Mom, which is again, the best part of all o...

Fox hole parenting

I enter this new week a little tired, but smiling.  Why? No drama this weekend.  We had sunshine, and sports, and cuddle time--- less the drama.  Most families don't experience the intense level of emotions that the Rhodes clan does. Sure, they have the hectic life of families, perhaps some fighting, the normal mess--- perhaps a little teen hormone induced drama....but we have drama of a different kind in our house.  The kind of drama caused by a brain that is shooting off crazy chemicals induced by years of trauma.  When our son Victor is home, the whole world is a great big land mine.  Saying the wrong thing, calling him out on behavior, or even suggesting that he not eat a 4th serving of ice cream can cause the the peace to recede, and for chaos to ensue. He is now in a boarding school for kids with emotional issues.  As sad as it is that our family isn't all together--- I must admit that the peace in our household is a welcome blessing. ...

Happy Wife, Happy Life

This small phrase is pure wisdom.  A Wife and Mother's state of mind, is hugely influential in the peace and happiness enjoyed in a family.  Just ask my husband of 22 years, lol. When I am in a groove where I am enjoying creative endeavors, doing enjoyable volunteer work, contributing to the families financial bottom line, and feeling happy and healthy----- we all win. In a houseful of boys, I feel like I am providing my sons with an education on living with Women.  We are beautiful loving creatures--but I don't know a single woman I like who doesn't have a bit of crazy mixed in.  Seriously, do you?? Not to alarm my feminist friends, but hey-- it is at least partially hormones.  It is biology. It makes our emotions go whack.  Hormones can heighten our emotional sensitivity creating virtual land mines for those around us.  Don't kid yourself, it happens to you too. We are not always easy to live with.  The same emotions that make us sometimes v...