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New Beginnings

For everything there is a season, right? My seasons are feeling a little convoluted. My older sons have truly reached the age of independence. They have lives of their own, they have schedules and commitments. At the same time, I have little ones, still looking for me to be the entertainment director. It is making for an interesting summer. Trying to make plans for the little ones, around drop offs & pick ups for the older ones is challenging. My oldest nephew graduates from college today. I couldn't be more pleased for him. He has been living a pretty adult life for a while now. He chose the path less traveled, (coming to LA, and taking on a lot of financial responsibility, rather than enjoying dorm life, on scholarship back east), and I am so proud of him. A little worried too, I must admit. Those first few years of adulthood, with a job, and no real responsibilities (no family to take care of), can be filled with excess and temptations to live not so smartly. I recall those years in my own life, and well, let's just say, my Mom had reason to worry. Jeff's young cousin Austin, just went off to the Air Force Academy this week. Wow, are we proud of him. I pray that he will cut his own path there, and will have great success, and a wonderful experience. So many beginnings. Nice to be able to sit back and watch the young ones jump out of the nest. I look forward to watching them continue to grow into good, good, men. Life is good, yes?


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