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"Sure!" I'd be happy to help!

I have been working on cultivating a spirit of positivity. A "yes, of course!" mindset. I know a lot of books have been written on the topic of saying "NO", creating boundaries for yourself, respecting your limits, all that stuff, but have you ever thought of how you could improve your life, and the life of others by saying "Sure!"? It is not always easy, in fact it can be really hard. When your child looks at you at 9:30pm and says, "Mom can you sew my jockstrap tonight, it broke today at practice"--- meanwhile he has been home since 5:30, ate dinner, did homework, played a bit of video games, and it didn't come up until I was completely relaxed. Of course my gut reaction is to rant about how inconsiderate it is, and yes, I have been guilty of that rant more than once. What I aspire to do however, is to say, "sure honey" kiss him on the cheek goodnight, then remind him in the morning that it would be helpful to me if he presented me with these needs earlier in the evening. When a friend needs help, maybe their child needs a ride, maybe they don't feel well and are in need of a break, these things don't always happen when our schedule is wide open-- sometimes we have to put aside the busyness of our schedule and say "sure honey, I'd be happy to help, just let me know what I can do." "No" comes easier and faster on my tongue, followed by a list of reasons why I am too busy, or to tired to help (my sons, my husband, my sister....etc...), but I don't like the way it sounds coming out of my mouth. I don't like the way it makes other people feel. So, I made a choice a while back to say "Yes, of course", way more often than I say "No". I like who I am WAY better as a woman who helps. :)


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